Tracers. (1955)

Film-document №57014 6 parts, Duration: 0:50:21 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:48

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

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Director: Shnejderov V., Babichenko D.N.

Script writers: Frank G.M.

Operators: Shafran A.M.

Composers: Nikoljskij Yu.S.


The film is about a new method of research in biology, medicine and agriculture. The film includes theoretical data, laboratory tests, demonstration of the method in practice.

Science | Discoveries | Educational films

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Animation: Planet Earth.

Quote Lenin on a background of drawings.

From tents on the shore of Lake man goes and sits down at the table.

People in a boat taking water samples.

Academic records leads to the beach.

A man brings a sample of the scientist.

Scientist closes the book and study the sample.

A drop of water under a microscope.

The structure of the diatoms.

Scientist looking through a microscope.

Electron microscope.

Diatomeya under a microscope.



Investigation of the metal piece electron microscope.

Casting defects.

X-ray equipment.

Radiography person.

Laboratory research.

Crystallization of substances under a microscope.

Control and measuring instrument.

Alpine landscape.

Analysts in the office.

Samples of minerals.


Production of details.

Iron dust.

Studying under microscope dust.

Laboratory equipment.

Man includes switch.

Chemistry; Biology

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Animation: the allocation of iron atoms.

The chemical periodic table.


Portrait of Mendeleev.

Books Mendeleev.

Entries Mendeleev.

Animation: create a table.

Animation: the structure of the chemical elements and the dependence of their properties on the atomic weight by the example of the table.

Animation: Planet Earth.

Scientists working in the laboratory.

Control and measuring devices.

From the container take out the rod of radium.

The man lowers the curtain.

Experience with the screen glow.

Experience with the destruction of bacteria.

Experience a photographic plate.

Monitoring the radium in the decay microscope.


Animation: the decay of radium in the other elements, the periodic table.

Animation: the composition of atomic nuclei, the principle of formation of the elements.


Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Students at the lecture.

The teacher shows the students the film.

Animation: structure and operation of a nuclear reactor.

Edition of the newspaper.

Animation: the formation of neutrons in a nuclear reactor, neutron absorption, obtaining radioactive isotopes.

Continuation of the lecture.

Experiments with isotopes and counting assembly.

Alternation: bee in the flower garden, bees mark.

Bee swarm on a honeycomb.

The scientist puts a radioactive isotope into the chamber.

Indications of the inspection tool.

Institute of Biological Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Cabinet of Professor A.M.Kuzina.

Scientists working in the office.

Chemistry; Education
Science; Social life

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Tells A.M.Kuzin.

Laboratory equipment.

Rabbit eating carrot.


Scheme carrots structure included in the material.


Diagram of the structure of the rabbit body.



Animation: carrots radioactivity in the schemes.

Observation of a radioactive isotope.

Animation: the speed of propagation and radiation accumulation in vivo.

Tells A.M.Kuzin.

Therapy Institute of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Cabinet AL Myasnikov.

Doctors in the House with the patient.

Tells A.L.Myasnikov.

The research work of the circulatory system, A.L.Myasnikov comments on the process.

Animation: flow diagram of a person. A.L.Myasnikov.

Animation: the rate of healthy human circulation.

The device removes the data.

Animation: the speed of the patient's circulation.


The Cabinet of Doctor of Medicine M.N.Fateevoy.

The alternation of doctors with a patient tells M.N.Fateeva.

Investigation of the state of the thyroid gland (striping patient surveys and Multrabota).

Meter. M.N.Fateeva.

Doctors next to the patient.

Institute of Physiology Timiryazev plants.

Opened the door to the lab.

Scientists in the laboratory.

Tells A.L.Kursanov.


Kuzin AM - Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
AL Myasnikov - MD, professor, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.
Kursanov AL - Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Chemistry; Biology; Medicine

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The plant is under the hood.

Animation: photosynthesis.

Tells A.L.Kursanov.

Animation: release of oxygen from the plants.

Laboratory equipment.

Laboratory includes watering plants.

Animation: tagged atoms of oxygen, leaves absorb carbon dioxide.

Setting up a mass spectrograph.

Scientist pours tomato bush.

Animation: the spread of tracer through the plant.

Collection of oxygen released.

Investigation of oxygen in the mass spectrograph. A.L.Kursanov.

Animation: suction plant scheme substances from the air and soil.

Experience with plant nutrition.

Analysts remove counters.

Alternation: comments A.L.Kursanova, absorption and accumulation of substances in plants (multrabota).

Sprinkle tomato bush.

Ripened tomatoes. L.A.Kursanov with pictures.

Pages herbarium.

The experiment of film, autoradiograph plants.

Animation: scheme accumulation and movement of nutrients in plants.

L.A.Kursanov with colleagues.

Experience with granules of superphosphate.

Animation: the germination of seeds.


Kursanov AL

Chemistry; Biology

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Animation: experience with superphosphate, plant absorb phosphorus from fertilizer granules.

Tells A.L.Kursanov.

Farm work in the field.

Machine operator measures the fertilizer.

Bags of granular superphosphate.

Fertilization of fields.

Agrochemical Experimental Station.

Experts prepare fertilizers with labeled atoms.

Fertilizer mixed into the bulk.

Fertilizer field.

Scientist taking soil samples.

Examination of the samples in the laboratory.

Plant Shoots.

Plant Research.

The camera moves to the window.

Window opens.

Cereal field.


Fertilizer gardens from the air.

The train enters the territory of the plant.

The molten metal.

Animation: radiation tracer.


Kursanov AL

Chemistry; Biology; Agriculture
Science; Sectors of the economy