Tonwoche 1944 № 654

Film-document №57732 2 parts, Duration: 0:13:56 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:43

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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Landing aircraft for inspection arrived with the German Air Force, located in Romania, Major General Aviation Galland.

He is greeted by German and Romanian officers.

The famous German surgeon Zauerbruk recently operated on King Mihai I in Bucharest, examines a number of hospitals.

It bypasses the doctors Chamber is looking x-rays, visits the department with baths for patients, prosthetic workshop.

Snow drifts blocked the number of tracks in the French Alps.

There is a cleaning paths with a special composition.

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

Winter sports in full swing.

Children and young people ride with skiing and tobogganing.

Girl with a dog on the sled.

Mass downhill sled down the hills.

Children mold snowmen, organize comic battle with snowballs.

Generalgouvernement (Poland).

Ski competition in the national championship in 1944. 110 participants showed great skill in the race, a slalom.

Wrestling match in Berlin.

The international tournament involving Germany, Slovakia and Norway.

Among the spectators many soldiers.

Oath of the new replenishment of the Serbian police, which takes the commander of Serbian police general Yonich.

Columns of police on the square patch on the sleeve close-up.

General bypass operation.

At the ceremony comes the representative of the Prime Minister Kostic.

Eastern front.

Map of the northern sector of the front, Leningrad, Narva, Luga.

Shooting German artillery in the place.

Construction of the new positions of the Germans by a trench plow.

Soldiers with shovels digging trenches.

Soldiers in the train.

Lunch from the field kitchen, soldiers receive soup in a pot, cook distributes dry rations, pours out cookies box.

On the way, riding tanks, scouts come in camouflage.

The attack of German tanks.

View from riding a tank, it breaks the bushes.

Shoot the tanks, mortars.

The battle continued till night, the enemy retreats.

Taken Soviet trenches, broken tanks, guns.

Tank, torn to pieces.


Czech Republic

World War II; Medicine; Disasters; Sport
History; Science; Geography and Nature; Wars, conflicts and disasters

Reel №2

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Military operations in southern Italy.

The Anglo-American bridgehead in Nettuno captured by the German army.

Lying broken American equipment, tanks.

The prisoners sit on the ground, smoking.

Ligation of the wounded prisoners.

On the edge of the bridgehead played dogfight.

The prisoners and the soldiers looked into the sky.

Zigzag stripes smoke can be seen that the enemy compound dispersed by German fighters.

German anti-aircraft guns shooting at allied aircraft.

German paratroopers preparing for battle, they go on the ground.

Heavy ensures the protection unit.

Beachhead The bombardment of German artillery.

Chief of the Italian front, Field Marshal Kesselring looks in telescope.

Shoots heavy railway gun.

Break, shot through the telescope.

Gunners cast aside huge liner from the shells.

Anxiety on the German airfield.

The German fighters are ready to fight.

Close up of a spinning propeller.

Received reports of approaching enemy planes.

Pilots run out of the barracks, get in the car.

The announcer said that last week during a terrorist fly more than 600 British and American aircraft were destroyed on Germany, mainly four-engine bombers.

In the sky there is a dogfight with allied aircraft.

English bomber shot down, it burns.

The German squadron rushes on the enemy.

Landing a young pilot, who won the first aerial victory, the aircraft flaps its wings.

Pilots meet comrades bear arms.

Pilots share their impressions about the fight.

The wreckage of the aircraft in the woods English extinguish hose.

Scattered parts of the bomber.

Forced landing of British aircraft.

The onset of a blizzard does not prevent German fighters to fight on.

Stormtroopers go up into the sky.

Air fight, burning plane.



World War II