On the wide Volga 1975 № 3

Film-document №57901 1 part, Duration: 0:10:21 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:21

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Director: Ignatyuk V.

Operators: Ivanov V., Amirov G., Rajskij V., Dimich A., Garaev R., Alaberdin V., Kirilyuk V.

Reel №1

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"Hello, the final."

The magazine tells about the first day of the final employment, the plant "Electroavtomatika" (Mari ASSR), at the "Orgsintez" (Tatar ASSR) in the first workshop plant "Centrolit" (Mordovia), in the factory of electrical appliances (Chuvashia), on the farm "Iskra" (Tatar ASSR) in the tank school (of Tatarstan), in the village of Lower Shits (Tatar ASSR). 1. Mari ASSR. "Electroavtomatika" plant in Yoshkar-Ola.

Work Nikolai wrong. 2. TASSR. ethylene production at the Kazan factory of organic synthesis.

The staff and foreman pyrolysis Riskhat Ibrahimovic Hismatullin learn a new installation, ensuring maximum output with ethylene pyrolysis furnaces. 3. Mordovian ASSR. Smelters first shop Saransk "Centrolit" plant. 100,000 ton casting. 4. Chuvash ASSR. Cheboksary electrical measuring instruments "Centrolit".

The new site for the production of computers.

A pilot batch of spectrum-calculators - new device "ROSA-1". 5. TASSR. Millionaire collective farm "Iskra" - the best in Tatarstan Arsk region in 1974.

Faizi Akhmetovich Galeev - Chairman of the "Iskra" kolkhoz Arsk district, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the gentleman of the Orders of Lenin and Red Banner of Labor. 6. TASSR. Guards Colonel A. Efanov - a veteran of World War II.

Day tactical training of cadets of the third year of the Red Banner of the Kazan Higher Tank Command School named after the Supreme Council of Tatarstan. 7. TASSR. Medals.



Tatar national wrestling on kerash sashes.

Awarding of the winners of the championship of the RSFSR on the national struggle.

Master of Sports Sagirzyan Khakimovich Shakirov.

Training young athletes village boarding school in the Lower Shits Sabinsky area.

Director and teacher of school Shakirov Sagirzyan Khakimovich is a lesson of physics.


Of Tatarstan, MASSR, CHASSR, Mordovia ASSR