dark Miracle. (1974)

Film-document №58659 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:12 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:35

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Director: Sokolov A.

Script writers: Barinov M.

Operators: Kamionskij M.


The story of the found cave paintings in the Urals, the origin of the culture of the hypothesis in the late Paleolithic, comparison to similar findings in Western Europe.

Scientific expeditions | Discoveries


Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The sound of dripping lights and lanterns in Kapova Shulgan-Tash cave.

People visiting the cave with lanterns.

Alternation: petroglyphs, marks on the map.

lantern Ray crawling on the wall.

The cave runs an expedition of the USSR. Bader Head of the expedition.

Archaeologists clean drawings.

Bader and artist K.N.Nikohristo discuss a controversial figure.

Scientists have cleaned pictures.

The scientist and the artist discuss the drawing of a mammoth.

The artist repaints a mammoth.

Archaeologists working on the drawings.

Pictures and signs in the light of lanterns.

Excavations at the cave wall.

Bader comments found coal.

Entrances to adjacent rooms of the cave.

Mountain scenery, fog.

The cave entrance.

Key words

Archeology. Cro-Magnons. Paleolithic.


Bader ON - Soviet archaeologist, doctor of historical sciences, teacher, founder of the Perm school of archeology and archeology museum Kama region.



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Excavations at the entrance to the cave, archaeological finds.

Exit the cave, inside view.

Urals Landscapes.

Painted rock on Vishera, figures and symbols.

Archaeologist enters the cave.

Inspection of the cave with a flashlight.

Exit the cave.

Scientist rises to the surface.

Natural landscapes.

The cave entrance Shulgan-Tash.

Blue Lake.

View from under the arches of the cave, scientists are on the trail.

View from below to the next floor of the cave.

The walls and arches of the ancient sanctuary.

Archaeologists clean drawings.

Bader and N.K.Nikohristo inspect the wall.


The artist draws on the album.

Archaeological findings.

Labels on the map.

Cave drawings.

Scientist picture clears.

Compositions images on a wall.

The parallels of ancient and modern art.

The sound of dripping lights and lanterns, scientists go through the cave.

Dripping water, view the output.

Key words

Archeology. Cro-Magnons. Paleolithic.


Bader ON

