Nazib Zhiganov. (1969)

Film-document №58783 1 part, Duration: 0:29:26 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:19:47

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Persons of arts | Biography | Culture and Arts | Music

Reel №1

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Composer Nazib Gayazovich Zhiganov at the Kazan State Conservatory.

Nazib Zhiganov with a student.

Nazib Zhiganov at the plenum.

Nazib Zhiganov at work.

Photo of Nazib Zhiganov's mother.

Streets of the city of Kazan.

The building of the Kazan Eastern Music College.

Excerpt from the opera "Kachkyn" (music by Nazib Zhiganov).

Excerpt from the opera "Altyn Chech" (music by Nazib Zhiganov).

Portrait of the writer M. Jalil.

Excerpt from the opera " M.Jalil" (music by Nazib Zhiganov).

Monument to the writer M. Jalil.

Nazib Zhiganov at the rehearsal.

Reel №2

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