Tropinin Artist (1776-1857). (1957)

Film-document №58826 1 part, Duration: 0:10:18 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:19

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Director: Kustov A.

Script writers: Yureneva T.

Operators: Kashina E.

Composers: Sevastjyanov A.


The film is dedicated to the centenary of the death of the artist VATropinin. The film tells the viewer about famous works VATropinin and their importance in the world of painting.

Artists | Visual Arts | Educational films

Persons of arts | Biography | Culture and Arts | Science

Reel №1

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VATropinin paintings in the gallery.

Visitors to the museum.

Portrait VATropinin.

Portrait of Lieutenant General I.I.Morkova.

Early drawings VATropinin.

Watercolor Ukrainian estates I.I.Morkova Kukavka.

Account book.



Mulrabota: sketches for the painting "The Lacemaker".

Known genre paintings of the artist.


Sketches to the portrait of Pushkin.

Compare brush portraits of the poet and VATropinin Orest Kiprensky.

Excursion in the gallery.

Self-portrait of the artist.

