And every evening at the appointed hour.... (1983)

Film-document №59323 8 parts, Duration: 1:15:16 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:59

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;

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Producer LSDF

Director: Lyudmila Stanukinas, Vladimir Djyakonov

Script writers: Pavel Kogan, Taisa Yanson

Operators: Vladimir Djyakonov, Nikolaj Volkov


The film tells about the activities of the Leningrad order of Lenin and the order of the October Revolution academic theatre of Opera and ballet named after S. M. Kirov (Mariinsky theatre).

Theater | Ballet

Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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Leningrad State Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet.


Artists bow from the stage, the audience in the hall, throw flowers on the stage.

The audience applauds.

PNRM. from the lights above the stage to the empty auditorium.

The drummer is practicing with the bells.

A snow-covered street, it is snowing, there is a woman with a stroller.

Streets of Leningrad.

A post with posters.

PNRM. by the choir members.

The main choirmaster of the theater, People's Artist of the USSR-Alexander Grigoryevich Murin conducts, the choir sings, the pianist plays.

The corridor of the theater.

An engraving with the image of the first building of the theater-the Big Stone Theater on the Carousel Square of St.


Portraits of actresses and actors.

A newspaper clipping announcing the premiere of the opera "Life for the Tsar".

Drawings of ballet scenes.

Photo by choreographer Marius Ivanovich Petipa.

Photo of the Russian artist, choreographer Lev Ivanovich Ivanov.

Photo of Russian and American ballet dancer, choreographer Mikhail Mikhailovich Fokin.

Photo of tenor Leonid Sobinov.

Portrait of the composer and conductor-Eduard Frantsevich Napravnik.

The painting is a fragment of the opera "Boris Godunov", depicting Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin in the costume of the tsar.

Chronicle: 1918-1920. F. I. Chaliapin with a bouquet of flowers, around the fans.


Anna Pavlovna Pavlova dances "The Dying Swan" staged by M. M. Fokin.

A statue of a knight is rolled onto the stage.

The participants of the production work on the stage.

A fragment of the opera "Life for the Tsar" is sung by People's Artists of the USSR Galina Aleksandrovna Kovaleva and Boris Timofeevich Shtokolov.

Opera "Khavanshchina", Marfa's aria is performed by People's Artist of the USSR Irina Petrovna Bogacheva.

Opera "Pskovityanka", sung by the choir.

Key words

kokoshnik, costumes, Ivan Susanin, baton,


Murin A.G. - narodnij artist SSSR.
Shalyapin F.I. - narodnij artist Respubliki.
Kovaleva G.A. - narodnaya artistka SSSR.
Shtokolov B.T. - narodnij artist SSSR.
Bogacheva I.P. - narodnaya artistka SSSR.




St. Petersburg



Russian cities and regions; Theatrical figures; Culture and Arts
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Persons of arts; Biography; Theater

Reel №2

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Dressing room.

People's artist of the USSR Irina Kolpakova.

Kolpakov A. I. in the suit of Aurora awaits the arrival on the scene.

In the room go to the theater staff.


I. A. Kolpakova dancing the role of Aurora in "Sleeping beauty".

Kolpakova I. A. at the Barre in the rehearsal room.

Goes around the room.

CU.PL. - Kolpakova I. A.

Dressing table, around it hang suits, it is the mirror that shows the dress.

PNRM. on a sewing machine.

Hands of a seamstress.

Seamstresses at work - check-out - view of the wardrobe.

Andrey Belinskiy at the piano and singer Eugene S. Gorokhovskaya at the rehearsal of the Opera "Wedding of Figaro".


Gorokhovsky, E. S., performs an Aria from the Opera "the marriage of Figaro".

Young ballerina in rehearsal class.

Honoured artist of Russia Tatiana Nikolaevna Legat teaches classes in the classroom.

The dancers dance.

Dancer resting.


Ballerina doing exercises at a ballet bar.

The chief choreographer of the Leningrad order of Lenin and the order of the October Revolution academic theatre of Opera and ballet named after S. M. Kirov (Mariinsky theatre), people's artist of the USSR Oleg Vinogradov gives an interview in his office.

Key words

tutu, Pointe shoes, piano, piano, spools of thread, scenery, solo,


Kolpakova I.A. narodnaya artistka SSSR.
Belinskij A.S. - koncertmejster.
Gorohovskaya E.S. - opernaya pevica.
Legat T.N.- zasluzhennaya artistka RSFSR.
Vinogradov O.M. - narodnij artist SSSR, glavnij baletmejster Leningradskogo ordena Lenina i ordena Oktyabrjskoj Revolyucii akademicheskij teatra operi i baleta imeni S.M. Kirova (Mariinskogo teatra).

Culture and Arts; Ballet; Persons of arts

Reel №3

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Fragment of M. Fokin's ballet " Chopiniana "("The Sylphids").

The chief choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater Oleg Mikhailovich Vinogradov gives an interview in his office.

Rehearsal of the ballet staged by O. M. Vinogradov to the music of A.V. Tchaikovsky "The Inspector General".

Honored Artist of the RSFSR Vadim Nikolaevich Gulyaev performs the role of Khlestakov.



Fragment of the ballet "The Inspector".

The role of Maria Antonovna is performed by the Honored Artist of the RSFSR Natalia Dmitrievna Bolshakova.

The curtain falls.

People's Artist of the USSR Galina Ulanova gives an interview.

Rehearsal in the ballet class under the direction of G. S. Ulanova.

Chronicle: G. S. Ulanova and Konstantin Mikhailovich Sergeev dance in the ballet "Swan Lake" [1940].

Photo by G. S. Ulanova and K. S. Sergeev.

Key words

tutu, Pointe shoes, performance,


Vinogradov O.M. - glavnij baletmejster Leningradskogo ordena Lenina i ordena Oktyabrjskoj Revolyucii akademicheskij teatra operi i baleta imeni S. M. Kirova (Mariinskogo teatra), narodnij artist SSSR.
Gulyaev V.N. - zasluzhennij artist RSFSR.
Boljshakova N.D. - zasluzhennaya artistka RSFSR.
Ulanova G.S. - narodnaya artistka SSSR.
Sergeev K.M. - narodnij artist SSSR.



Culture and Arts; Persons of arts; Ballet

Reel №4

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PNRM. in the room of the People's Artist of the USSR Natalia Mikhailovna Dudinskaya.

Posters, paintings, photos, flowers, newspaper, table lamp.

Dudinskaya N. M. sews and gives interviews.

Chronicle: dancing Dudinskaya N. M. and Vakhtang Mikhailovich Chabukiani.

Dudinskaya N. M. and Sergeev K. M. conduct classes in the classroom.

The ballerina stands on her toes near the machine.

Pair dance at the rehearsal.

CU. pl. - a gondola turns on the coffee table and plays a melody.

The audience applauds.

PNRM. to the stage.

N. M. Dudinskaya on stage with the ballet company after the performance bows to the audience.

Dudinskaya N. M. is presented with flowers.

The ballet "Notre-Dame de Paris" staged by Roland Petit.

The role of Esmeralda is performed by ballerina Olga Ivanovna Chenchikova.

Opera "Peter I".


The aria of Peter I is performed by People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Mikhailovich Morozov, Lefort-Sergey Petrovich Leiferkus, Menshikov-Evgeny Boytsov.

Key words

tutu, Pointe shoes, decorations,


Sergeev K.M. - narodnij artist SSSR.
Dudinskaya N.M. - narodnaya artistka SSSR.
Chabukiani V.M. - narodnij artist SSSR.
Chenchikova O.I. - balerina.
Morozov V.M. - narodnij artist SSSR.
Lejferkus S.P. - opernij pevec.
Bojcov E. - opernij pevec.

Culture and Arts

Reel №5

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The Opera "Peter I".


Artist Morozov V. M. the role of Peter I.

The curtain falls.

PNRM. auditorium.

Bow actors.

The cleaning lady goes to theatre.

Numerous photographs of famous artists on the walls in the office, performing on stage in the artist's collection in the light of the theatre Alexander Nikolayevich Abramov.

Abramov, sitting at a Desk, giving an interview.

A fragment of the ballet "La Bayadere".

Nikia sings folk artist of the USSR Gabriela Komleva Trifonovna.

The Party Of Salor - Marat Fuatovich Daukaev.

The meeting of the arts Council.

The members of the Council.

Pieces of scenery for the Opera "Mayakovsky begins".

Council members - composer, people's artist of USSR Andrei Petrov, artistic Director and chief conductor of the theatre, people's artist of the USSR Yuri Temirkanov Temirkanov.

The orchestral part of the scene with music stands, stage, rehearsal.

Petrov A. P. at the rehearsal.

Performers dance.

The actors sit on chairs in the hall.

The pianist plays woman looking at the notes.

Sitting Opera singer Grigory Karasev.

Choreographer Vladimir Vasilev Udic rehearsing the dance with the artists.

Paint the scenery.

A dress rehearsal of the Opera.

PNRM. the scene on the hall.

Theatre Director Maxim E. Kristin interviewed in the study.

Kristin M. E. talking on the phone.

An employee of the zoo sitting at the table, takes the phone.

In the hall the reins are the horse.


Abramov A.N. - hudozhnik po svetu.
Komleva G.T. - narodnaya artistka SSSR.
Daukaev M.F. - artist baleta.
Petrov A.P. - kompozitor, narodnij artist SSSR.
Temirkanov Yu.H. - dirizher, narodnij artist SSSR.
Karasev G. - opernij pevec.
Vasilev V.Yu. - baletmejster.

Culture and Arts; Persons of arts

Reel №6

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Above the stage, raise lights for the play.

The artists are preparing in the dressing room.

The view from the top is lead the horses across the stage.

Ballerina goes down the corridor with a plate in his hands.

Actors warming up backstage.

The ballet "don Quixote", a fragment.

Kitri performs T. G. Terekhova.

The staff of the theatre from behind the scenes watching the show.

Don Quixote on horse behind the scenes.

Terekhova T. G. runs backstage promatyvaya her face with a napkin.

The actors enter backstage.

Don Quixote leaves the scene on horseback.

Artists on stage - the view from the top.


Ballerina rehearsing.

Terekhova T. G. rehearses some movement.

Terekhova T. G. receives flowers.

The staff of the theater standing in the hall with columns.

Orleans Eugene E. conducts hands.

Y. H. Temirkanov goes around the room, examines the troupe.


Terehova T.G. - balerina.
Temirkanov Yu.H. - dirizher, narodnij artist SSSR.

Culture and Arts; Persons of arts; Ballet

Reel №7

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Y. H. Temirkanov rehearsing the Opera "Eugene Onegin" as a Director.

Temirkanov Y. H. and singer.

CU.PL. - Temirkanov Y. H.

Orleans E. E. conducts.

Lensky's Aria takes the Yuri Marusin - leaving the Temirkanov and the performers of the troupe.

Y. H. Temirkanov conducting.

Premiere of the performance.

Aria Tatiana - honoured artist of Russia Larisa Andreevna Shevchenko, Onegin - S. P. Leiferkus.

The audience applauded.

Y. H. Temirkanov, flowers in hand goes through the corridors of the theater.

PNRM. stairs.

Y. H. Temirkanov interviewed.


Lejferkus S.P. - opernij pevec.
Orleanskij E.E. - dirizher.
Temirkanov Yu.H. - dirizher, narodnij artist SSSR.
Shevchenko L.A. - – zasluzhennaya artistka RSFSR.

Culture and Arts; Persons of arts

Reel №8

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Y. H. Temirkanov interviewed.

The musicians climb the stairs to the stage.

Musicians warming up in the workplace in the orchestra pit.

Dressing room.

Ballerina Galina Mezentseva is going to present.

Mezentseva G. S. - CU.PL.

Odette on stage performing Mezentseva, G. S., the role of Prince Siegfried - film Zaklinskaya.

Dance performers - from the top.

Dancers backstage.

Ballerina Pointe shoes correct.

Dancer backstage, it obmakivayut towel.

It's snowing.

PNRM. from the sky over the theater building, monument, street.

Seats in the auditorium are covered.

Departure - at the lights above the stage.


Temirkanov Yu.H. - dirizher, narodnij artist SSSR.
Mezenceva G.S. - balerina.
Zaklinskij K.S. - artist baleta.


St. Petersburg



Ballet; Russian cities and regions
Culture and Arts; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature