We build Reich. (1920 - 1929)

Film-document №67490 7 parts, Duration: 0:51:11, Black-white to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:28

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

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Director: V.Shamoni

Operators: Buljman,Goljdberger,Shamoni,Vash

Reel №1

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Industrial landscape.

Pipes factory closed.

Where 40 thousand people were employed.

The closed factory gates.

The factory building.

Residential "barracks" of the workers.

They're coming workers.

Yard of a house.

Stunted greens.

The view from the window of an apartment at the closed factory.



Unemployed handing out leaflets.

Shoemaker in his studio.

Labor exchange.

Police at the Exchange.

The crowd of unemployed


On the street, two young men.

These three approaches.

He shows them udostostoverenie the right to participate in the meeting of the Imperial troops fighting the Union of Catholic youths in Koblenz


Young people with backpacks.

They greet each other.

Ride bikes.

Young sits on the steamer "Glikauf".

UCC German flag.

Young people on the deck.

The boat floats on the river floats under bridges.

Floating boat.

Landscapes on the beach.

counter court


Young people are studying the charter of the Union of Catholic youths in Germany and the situation of the combat units UCC. Young people on the deck.

Waterfront: along the coast train rushes.

The pipe steamer.

UCC Banner

Key words

Germany, industry, workers, the unemployed, the labor market, the police, propaganda Germany, youth, social movements Germany, youth, transport, transportation, water, river, Gos.simvolika bridge Germany, youth, social movements

Reel №2

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Lunch meeting participants. "Glukauf" floating in the river.


Youth on the waterfront.

She welcomed the participants of the meeting.

Participants come ashore.

By joining the Catholic boys squad from South Germany.

UCC members are on the streets of the city.

On the Moselle boat comes with UCC detachment of the Saar region.

UCC members on the streets with banners.

The procession of young men.

They come in any building

Key words

Germany, youth, social movements, transportation, water, river, Gos.simvolika

Reel №3

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UCC Summer Camps.

Driving Camp.

Young people in the scheme.

Presentation of one of the participants of the meeting.

He announced a program of the first day vtsrechi.

Gathering of participants on the parade ground.


Oath of allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Departure of participants UCC imperial Germany at the celebration meeting in Koblenz.

Detachment comes from the camp

Germany. 30001 participants Chorale rehearsing.

Speaker Catholic Father.

Advertise separate UCC units on a stand,


Genesis camp.


Boys in the tent.

Washing in sinks.

Boys splash each other with water, wash brush their teeth.

Bringing order to the shoe.



A microphone signal is fed to the morning prayer.

The boys are going to the parade ground.


The priest at the makeshift altar


Young people take bread delivered to the camp.

Distribution of bread.

Young people reading newspapers, drinking lemonade.

Distribution "Shuttsshar" newspaper / "combat unit" /


Troop goes camping.

Building on a glade in the forest.

Singing religious and patriotic songs.

One of the leaders of the UCC delivers a patriotic speech.

Units hit the road

Key words

Germany, social movements, youth festival Germany, social movements, youth, clergy, youth, Gos.simvolika Germany, social movements, youth Germany, youth, social movements, the clergy Germany, youth, social movements, media, food Germany, social movements, youth, clergy, religion

Reel №4

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Speech Reichsführer UCC Franz Shtebera of combat units tasks.

Groups oratora.T.n listen. "Black Hundreds" / Schwarz Hundertshaft /.

The hike


Young people on the parade ground.

Delivery of the flag.

Speech about the importance of the Catholic patera combat troops in the fight for the establishment of the ideals of good and hritsianstva.

The speech chairman / Reichsführer / UCC


The arrival of the bishop of Trier, Dr.


Youth greets him.

The bishop and his entourage enter the gates of the summer camp.

Arriving with the bishop chief President Dr.

Fuchs, a representative of the Evangelical obschetva boys in West Germany, the general secretary of the union craftsmen students Gaten David, chairman of the church community Pukhovsky, Neppel father.

They talk with the bishop


One of the leaders of the LCY A.Shtayner sends greetings to Bishop.

Speech Bornevassera bishop.

The participants welcomed the bishop.

The ceremonial passage.

the banner of

Key words

Germany, social movements, Gos.deyateli, personalities, youth Germany, social movements, Gos.simvolika Germany, social movements, youth, priests, personalities Germany, priests, celebrities, youth, social movements, Gos.simvolika

Reel №5

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The instructor conducts conversation with young people about the importance of the papal encyclical "Kvadradzhezimo annotation".

Catholic priest speaks of the importance sotrudnichesiva church leaders with youth leaders.

Youth at odds after talks


Cooking dinner.

Building for lunch.


Distribution of food.

Lunch meeting participants.

Reading newspapers.

Rest after lunch.

Playing musical instrument occupies.

Dishes include the kitchen.

Sports duel of two priests.

Winner young bears in her arms.


Key words

Germany, social movements, youth, clergy Germany, social movements, youth, media, leisure, music, musical instruments, clergymen, sports

Reel №6

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Bugler blows collection.

Start of mass sports exercises.

Squatting, jumping, etc.

Fragments of a football match.

Flipping up, tumbling, wrestling, fighting on one leg.

Leapfrog and other games.


Competition in the long jump.

Mass gimnatsicheskie exercise.

Relay race.


Helping youths to trauma

Key words

Germany, youth, social movements, sports, football, entertainment, medicine

Reel №7

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The fourth day of a meeting of.

The march to the monument to German unity Ekke.

Passing through the streets with banners.

Columns boys.


Young people at the monument-temple.

The grand building with banners.

Speech Catholic patera.

Fragments of the monument.

The audience greeted the orator


Newspaper headlines about the meeting with the correspondence of the LCY. Units out of the camp to the city.

Ceremonies "seeing" the altar of the chapel of the camp back to the city.

Detachments of the UCC in the city.


Gala was applied to the temple altar

Key words

Germany, social movements, youth, clergy, Gos.simvolika, monuments, temples Germany, the press, social movements, youth, church Gos.simvolika, religion