Science against fire. (1982)

Film-document №76228 5 parts, Duration: 0:43:31 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:22

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: V. Kirnarskij

Script writers: V. Kuksov

Operators: I. Skachkov, D. Parfenov

Composers: A. Tangyan

Text writers: V. Kirnarskij

Recordist: V. Kolodeznij

Other authors: D. Popova


The film tells about the problems of fire protection of various objects of national economy of the country, new methods of fire protection developed by scientists.

Science | Man-made disasters

Wars, conflicts and disasters

Reel №1

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Earth observation from space, the visible foci of natural fires.

View of a burning forest, shrouded in smoke (top).

Receiving messages on the teletype paragraph.

Newsreel: tornadoes, volcanoes.

Panorama of a forest fire, pictures of the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters.

Crumbling walls of houses.

People on the upper floors during a fire in high-rise building trying to escape from the fire.

Panorama of one of the buildings of the industrial enterprise after the fire.

Teletypists receive messages about disasters.

The image Lands on the screen in infrared light.

The view of the lighted thoroughfares of the city at night, the production process in the foundry.


The flame of a candle.

The wick releases flammable gases, the combustion process.

The study of the combustion process in the laboratory.

The study of flame propagation.

The combustion gases in terrestrial conditions (slow motion).

The simulated increase of the gravitational field.

The process of burning gas in a centrifuge in a high gravity field (time lapse).

View of the corridor of the hotel, lined with modern materials constructed for the experiment in the test furnace Institute for fire protection.

Burning lining of the corridor, the process of rapid burnout.

Test for Flammability of new materials and substances.

Studies in the test furnaces in the Institute of record research results.

The test wall panels for the plant "Atommash", a kind of test laboratory (above).

The test of steel I-beams in a special furnace, the deformation of the beams under high temperatures.

The types of buildings in Moscow, which is based on steel frames.

The laboratory staff of the Institute for fire protection is prepared to experiment with special refractory paint.

Swelling of paint under the influence of fire, wood, covered with paint that does not burn.

Processing of cable lines with intumescent paint prior to the experiment in the laboratory of the Institute.

Cables, covered with paint, under the influence of fire.

The parts of the cable, with a protective paint, after exposure to fire.

View of cable tunnel protective coating.

Processing the metal parts of the frame the factory floor anti-fire paint.

Panorama ceiling designs and lighting indoor stadium.




Moscow region

Institutions of science

Reel №2

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Panorama of the laboratory of the Institute of inorganic chemistry, Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the staff of the development of synthetic detergents.

Demonstration of the new active detergent substances, cleansing items from dirt and grease.

Purification of hydro-power using a new detergent.

Wash the inner surface of the spray generator.

Samples of the protective suits of fire resistant material.

Medical examination of the participant test fire suit, install the sensors on the body of the test.

Firefighter wears new thermal suit from a special fabric.

A fire in a heat-proof suit.

Preparation for testing protective suit.

Test protective suits in the fire zone.

Fixation test results.

Face the fire after the end of the experiment.

Firefighters with hoses in hand.

Laboratory studies of the effects of water quenching.

The study of water jets after the introduction of small amounts of polymer.

Experiment on the introduction of polymers into the water to extinguish fires in the Institute of Thermophysics, laboratory equipment.

Experiments to increase water flow by coating the polymers inner surface of the pipe in the Institute of mechanics of Moscow state University.

Panorama of one of the cinema halls during prophylactic treatment with water with addition of polymers.

Cyclists on the track, the view of the sprinkler head.

View of the building high-rise hotels.

Interior views of the lobby.

The ignition of one of the TVs in the hotel lobby.

The alarm on the remote.

The form of a fire panel hotel, transfer alarm and reported the fire by phone.

The operation of the automatic sprinkler system, the faces of the guests.

The work of the automatic fire extinguishing system for a high-Bay warehouse.

Interior view of one of the shelving warehouses, automatic warehousing equipment.

The fire in the warehouse.

The fire by automatic sprinkler system.

Laboratory experiments with fire-fighting foam.

The process of research on the effect of the foam.

The foam padding of the layout of the room.

The fire suppression foam at the site of the Leningrad branch scientific research Institute for fire protection.

Foam fills the burning room, coming out.

Study of the interaction of foam and alcohol.




Leningrad region

Institutions of science; Chemistry

Reel №3

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The test of a new method of extinguishing burning alcohol at the site of the Kharkov laboratory.

A tank of liquid carbon dioxide.

The flow of gas in the tank with burning alcohol.

Extinguishing burning liquid with low temperature gas.

Panorama of the laboratory for the study of Halocarbon, inhibiting the combustion process.

A fire in one of premises of the computing centre.

Fire sensors on the ceiling.

Light button fire alarm.

Evacuation centre personnel.

Extinguish the fire by spraying chlorofluorocarbon.

Interior view of the archives.

Extinguishing the fire in the archive using chlorofluorocarbon.

Panorama of the laboratory, scientists at work.

An experiment on the use of powder inhibitors in extinguishing of fire on metals.

The process of extinguishing the burning magnesium.

Extinguishing the fire with the help of powder on the ground.

The burning of the metal hardware with powder extinguishers.

Extinguishing the fire with the help of different inhibitory substances.

Scientists study patterns of occurrence and spread of fire in a modern building.

A study of the fire load of a modern apartment.

The research process of the spread of combustion products and their effects on living organisms.

Experiments VNII fire defense to make the building safe areas for evacuation of people, where you do not get toxic products of combustion.

Test special sleeves from a special super-stretch fabric for the evacuation of people during fire in high-rise building.

View of the construction of a new home.

A fire on one of the balconies.

Evacuation of residents with special outer aisles.

The fire on the landing.

Are firefighters in gas masks, when testing a new type of residential houses on the reliability of fire protection and smoke removal efficiency.

Laboratory tests of the indoor air.

The extinguishing of a fire in the experimental house.

A fire in the theater building.

Reception of the alarm on the remote standby.

Send a message about the fire, the work of the fire services.

Evacuation of people from the wings and the auditorium, down a protective fire barrier.

The adoption of fire protection measures by various departments of the theatre.

People run down the stairs to the emergency exits.

Action fire brigades arrive at the scene of the fire.




Moscow region

Institutions of science; Chemistry; Construction
Science; Sectors of the economy

Reel №4

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Deployment of fire escapes during a training exercise on fire fighting in the building Theater.

Pushkin in Leningrad, the actions of the fire brigades.

The view of the theater building, the work of staff for fire fighting deployed in the square before the theatre.

Extinguishing fires in a variety of ways and means.

Interior view of one of departments of industrial enterprises.

The work of the automatic system of fire extinguishing.

The process of quenching of hot workpieces in an oil bath, ignited oil in the bath and quenching it with an automatic foam system.

Extinguishing fires with nitro lacquer surround foam.

Assembly of trucks on the Assembly line of KAMAZ.

A fire engine of a truck during testing in the forced mode.

The burning engine with gas.

The truck Assembly on the conveyor.

Test of the system extinguishing powder in a special chamber.

The duty Manager at the fire panel.

The quenching oil of the vessel at the pier of the oil depot with the installation of fire extinguishing.

The extinguishing of the fire pump using foam.

The types of pumping full of foam.

Work on the installation of combined fire-fighting at the refinery, with the use of foam, water and steam.

The sequence of the action of water, foam and steam to extinguish the fire, cool the equipment and prevent explosions.

Panorama of the refinery during the fire.

The types of burning tank with gasoline, the burning tank combined method.

View of the extinguished tank.

Extinguish burning gas and oil fountains with jet engines.

The experiment with vortex flows at the Institute of hydrodynamics.

The experiment for extinguishing oil fountain with a ring vortex.





Industry; Sea and river transport; Institutions of science
Sectors of the economy; Transportation; Science

Reel №5

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The experiment on prevention of explosions during the fire.

Production process in shop on manufacture drevesno-fibrous plates (MDF).

Interior views of the shop, the ventilation pipe.

The use of light flashes to signal about the fire.

A computer receives the signal.

Flap closure of a burning portion of the pneumatic conduit with the aid of a computer.

The release of the burning fiber in a special tank outside of the shop.

The alarm about the leak of hydrogen from a special camera.

Burning lights on the remote.

Automatic opening of the doors for fresh air, diluting the hydrogen to a safe concentration.

The types of hydrogen storage at the Institute of high energy physics.

Institute employees at work.

Tanks hydrogen storage.

The work of the automatic fire extinguishing system upon detection of a fire.

A fire in one of the rooms, extinguishing the fire with the sprinkler system.

Internal views of the premises of the Institute, scientists at work.

The experiments on the creation of new means of fire extinguishing.

Experiments on modeling of the fire, the look of the room with a computer.

Fighting oil fountain.

Scientist conducting an experiment.

Extinguishing fires in various facilities, using water foam and gas extinguishing systems.

The scientists carried out theoretical calculations at the blackboard.




Moscow region

Industry; Chemistry; Physics
Sectors of the economy; Science