Festival of the Progressive Cinematography.. (1977)

Film-document №7949 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:52 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:02

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Bobrov G.

Operators: Usanov V., Filatov I., Tsitron V.

Text writers: Leonidov L.


About the X Moscow Film Festival which was in July, 1980.


Culture and Arts

Temporary description

X International Film Festival in Moscow. Opening a film festival in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Speakers: FT Ermash, LA Kulidzhanov, SI Rostotsky, A. Medvedkin, A. Brousil. Welcome pioneers. Foreign guests: from India, Italy, Spain, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and others in the hall of the palace. Delegates are introduced to Moscow. At the Mausoleum of Lenin at Gorki-Lenin, the Central Cinema House, speaking at the Exhibition of Economic Achievement, a collective farm near Moscow among the pioneers, for a walk on the boat at the film studio, Mosfilm, the cinema "Russia" in the press conference. In Leningrad, in the Smolny in the cruiser "Aurora". Awarding of prizes. Prizes are awarded: SI Rostotsky, LA Kulidzhanov, A. Medvedkin. The building of hotel "Russia".

Reel №1

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Moscow, Moscow River embankment, the Kremlin - LS., PNRM.

The building of the hotel "Russia", the flags of the different countries, the parade in front of the theater "Charge» - LS., MS.

People go to the Kremlin Palace of Congresses at the festival opening (of passing - director RL Carmen) and participants of the festival in the lobby of the Palace of Congresses talk - different., PNRM.

Opening contest of children's films in the Palace of Pioneers: children with flags of different countries on the stage, members of the jury, the children in the audience cheering - LS., MS.

Stands with posters of movies - LS.

On the stage of a concert hall "Russia" delegation filmmakers of India, was the first feature film competition program - "Royal Hunt" - different., PNRM.

Viewers are a delegation of Japanese filmmakers, directed by Kaneto Shindo gives interviews (synchronously in Japanese) - MS., CU.

Filmmakers delegation lays wreath at the Mausoleum of VI Lenin - LS., MS., PNRM.

Participants of the 10th Film Festival at home in Gorki, where he lived VI Lenin - LS., MS.


Filmmakers ride the bus through the streets of the city, visiting the room of Lenin in Smolny, the assembly hall of Smolny, the cruiser "Aurora» - LS., MS., PNRM.


The people in front of the House of Cinema - LS., MS.

Creative discussion "For Humanism cinema, for peace and friendship between peoples": People's Artist of the USSR are the director SA Gerasimov, a representative of African cinema, listening - Various.

Outside, Italian actor A. Sordi gives interviews (synchronously in Italian) - MS.

Says M. Kutz and D. Gaynor (USA) (simultaneously in English) - MS.

Reel №2

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Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR, the delegation members Film Festival at the Fountain "Friendship of Nations» - LS., MS.

The delegation of filmmakers in the suburban farm "Leninsky ray", and on one of the industrial enterprises of the capital, in a camp near Moscow - LS., MS.

Festival participants during cruises on the canal it.

Lenin - different., PNRM.

On his impressions say Senegalese director Ousmane Sembyan actress from India Menon (synchronous) - LS., MS.

The delegation of filmmakers at "Mosfilm» - LS., MS.

The people at the cinema "Russia» - LS., MS.

Viewers are creative groups, including the film "Piazza San Babila, 20 hours" (Italy), said the director of the film Carlo Lidzani (synchronously in Italian) - LS., MS.

Meeting with a delegation of the Soviet Union in the conference room (in the delegation - pilot-cosmonaut Grechko - one of the authors of the short film "The trip to orbit") - Various., PNRM.

Bulgarian director Bink Zhelyazkova interviewed in between scans (synchronously in Bulgarian) film posters Zhelyazkova - LS., MS.

Jury meeting - LS., MS.

About the festival director says competitive film "The key is not transferable" D. Asanova (synchronous) - MS.

Prizes are made of semi-precious stones - LS., MS.

Solemn closing of the 10th Moscow International Film Festival: the head of the jury of feature films C. Rostotsky Announces Winners, prizes will be awarded the film crew of the Hungarian film "The Fifth Seal," Spanish director Juan Antonio Bardem for "The End of the week", the director for the film G. Danelia "Mimino» - LS., MS.

First Secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR LA Kulidzhanov award prizes to the directors of the Union of Cinematographers of Kaneto Shindo (Japan) for the film "A Single Chikuzana way" and Lidzani Carlo (Italy) for the film "Piazza San Babila, 20 hours» - LS., MS.

The head of the jury of short films directed by Medvedkin award prizes to the creators of the film "The Legacy of Mayer" (GDR) and the painting "The gorge Viznar" (Spain) - LS., MS., PNRM.

Gold Prize awarded to Austrian director G. Safranu for children's film "The Boy and the ocean» - LS.

At the closing of the festival is the Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Cinematography FT Ermash, applauding in the audience and on the podium - different., PNRM.