The Most Important Moments.. (1977)

Film-document №8026 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:56 to collection Price category C
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Part 2 digitized in HD 0:09:25

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Konovalov V.

Script writers: Torchinskiy M.

Operators: Petrosov R.

Anouncers: Kolychev U.


A story about two schools for figure-skating, a sport struggle of its two representatives - V. Kovalev and Y. Ovchinnikov.

Sports legends | Figure skating

Sport | Biography

Temporary description

Skaters Yuri Ovchinnikov and Vladimir Kovalev in training under the guidance of coaches Alexander Mishin, and E. Tchaikovsky. Speeches Y. Ovchinnikov and V. Kovalev in competition with the production program (synchronously). Y. Ovchinnikov and V. Kovalev give interviews.

Reel №1

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1975 USSR champion in figure skating Yuri Ovchinnikov engaged under coach Alexei Mishin rink Leningrad Palace of Sports "Jubilee" - different.

Ovchinnikov engaged at the bench with the choreographer in opera and ballet - LS., PNRM.

Ovchinnikov trains, speaks about figure skating (synchronous)

Judges in training - CU.

Champion of the country and the world in 1977, Vladimir Kovalev engaged under coach Elena Tchaikovsky in Moscow Palace of Sports "Dynamo", trained in a special machine, talking to E. Tchaikovsky, tells about figure skating (synchronous) - Various.

Yuri Ovchinnikov and Kovalev performing their short program at the International figure skating competition for the prize of the newspaper "Nouvelles de Moscou» - LS.

Ice - CU.

Legs skater on the ice - CU. (Rapid).

Kovalev and Y. Ovchinnikov on ice - LS. (Rapid).

Reel №2

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Interview Kovalev and Y. Ovchinnikov (synchronously) - CU.

Kovalev in training - LS. (General shooting and rapid).

Yuri Ovchinnikov in training the national team - LS.

Kovalev ready for action, performing a program - LS., PNRM.

E. looks Tchaikovsky - CU.

Yuri Ovchinnikov performing a program - LS.

Looks A. Mishin - CU.

Kovalev autographs - MS.

Rewarding E. Tchaikovsky - MS.

Kovalev and Y. Ovchinnikov on the podium.

Movie №0

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