Spanish Parliamentarians In The USSR.. (1987)

Film-document №9463 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:16 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:02

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Artseulov O.

Script writers: Korneshov L.

Operators: Durnov K., Makarov V.


A film about the visit of the Delegation of General Corteses of Spain headed by the Chairman of the Congress F. Pons Irasasabal to the USSR. The guests visited the cities of Leningrad and Moscow.

Foreign policy


Temporary description

City of Moscow. Visit of delegation of the Cortes Generales of Spain, headed by the chairman of the Congress of Deputies of the Cortes Generales Felix Pons in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Talk with LN Tolkunova, A. E. Voss, a member of the Politburo Secretary of the CPSU Yakovlev. Meeting with NI Ryzhkov, Andrei Gromyko. Negotiations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Inspection Faceted Chamber, the St. George Hall of the Kremlin. Talk to the Board of the Moscow Council of People's Deputies. The laying of wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Visit the farm near Moscow "Precepts of Ilyich." Newsreel. Cities of Moscow and Leningrad during the war. Burning, collapsing houses, the corpses in the streets, women in the factories are kept in the hands of manufactured shells. In Leningrad. Conversation in the Executive Committee of the Leningrad Council of People's Deputies with the leaders of the city. Visit Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery, Cabinet Lenin in Smolny, Hermitage production association "Leningrad Metal Works. Parliamentarians in the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater to present the ballet "Swan Lake".

Reel №1

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Kremlin, Red Square.

Targeted plan of Moscow, the building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR AE Voss welcomed the delegation in the Kremlin Cortes Generales headed by the chairman of the Congress of Deputies of the Parliament Felix Pons.

Interview with the Spanish delegation AE Voss and the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR LN Tolkunova.

Ceilings Kremlin premises.

The Delegation of Spain visits the Kremlin premises, Facets, St George's Hall.

Frescoes Faceted Chamber.

Gorky Street.

Passers-by on the streets.

The building of the Moscow City Council.

Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Soviet, VT Roly-Poly takes parliamentarians Spain.

Kalinin Prospekt.

The building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to the flag.

At the Kremlin passing cars; goes F. Pons.

The inscription on the building of the "Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR."

Members of the delegation of Spain are in the building.

Meeting of parliamentarians Spain AE Voss, LN Tolkunova, chairman of the USSR Radio and Television AN Aksenov, V. Lomonosov Radkevic, VI Terebilov and other deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Politburo member, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Alexander Yakovlev takes parliamentarians Spain.

Interview members of the Spanish delegation with the Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, Chairman of the State Foreign Economic Commission deputy Kamentsev.

Present AN Aksenov.

First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Yuri Ravens receives a delegation of Spain.

According to the Crimean bridge are veterans of the war.

The girl lays flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame.

Spanish parliamentarians lay a wreath.

Newsreel 1941-1945: Passing tanks.

Burning houses; woman from the ashes.

Poster "Motherland Calls!" Relatives and friends say goodbye to the soldiers, the soldiers pass.

Leningrad from the Neva River.

Extinguish the fire.

Collapsing building.

Starving Leningrad.

Carry a corpse on a sled.

Starving on the waterfront.

Reading room; a man in a dress reads and meat; hand collects the crumbs from the newspaper.

Work at the plant, the woman wipes shells.

Shooting guns.


Fleeing soldiers.

Reel №2

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Eternal Flame Piskaroyvskoye Cemetery in Leningrad.

Cemetery, are people.

Spanish parliamentarians laying a wreath at the Eternal Flame.

Sculpture "Motherland".

Leningrad from the Neva River.

Monument to Peter I. The building of the Smolny, a monument to VI Lenin at the building.

Spanish parliamentarians are in the building, pass through the corridor of the Smolny.

Assembly Hall of the Smolny.

Hand drawn portrait of VI Lenin.

Spanish parliamentarians visiting the cabinet VI Lenin.

Picture: VI Lenin in Smolny office.

Newspapers, photographs.

Bust VI Lenin.

Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council VY Hodyrev receives a delegation of Spain.

Guests from Spain in the hall of the Hermitage.

Paintings by Spanish artists: "Portrait of a Woman" Goya, "Breakfast" Velasquez, "Apostles Peter and Paul."

Hall of Opera and Ballet, the Kirov.

Guests from Spain in the box theater.

Extinguished chandelier. "Dance of the Little Swans" from the ballet "Swan Lake" ballet performed by actress Pavlova, Mirzoyan, Ivanovo, Krylov.

Fountains of Peterhof.

Nevsky Prospect.

Shop production association "Leningrad Metal Works".

Workers at work.

Spanish parliamentarians talk with the workers (locksmiths) S. Trofimov, Glazunov.

Brush Rowan.

In the field of the farm "Precepts of Ilyich" (near Moscow) passes sweeper.

On the banks of the River cows.

Spanish parliamentarians visiting the barn, a recreation room breeders (with palm trees, etc.).

Targeted plan of Moscow.

Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Nikolai Ryzhkov receives a delegation Cortes Generales (the Kremlin).

In the Catherine Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR AA Gromyko takes parliamentarians Spain.

The negotiations involved LN Tolkunov, AN Aksenov.

Gorky Street.

Kremlin, Red Square.

The building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.