Russia's Destiny.. (1990)

Film-document №9870 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:08 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:54

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Burashova G.

Operators: Dvoynikov I., Filatov I.

Anouncers: Khlebnikov A.

Text writers: Rozov A.


About the work of the I Congress of the People's Deputies of the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic).

Congress of People's Deputies | Activities of the Komsomol

Domestic policy | Policy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Closing of the First Congress of People's Deputies: acts BN Yeltsin, who was elected Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (synchronous) - MS.

Listen to the deputies (22.06.) - Various.

Kremlin - LS.

Dome of the cathedral, the flag of the RSFSR on the building of the Grand Kremlin Palace - MS.

The eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - CU., MS.; Flowers at the grave - CU.

BN Yeltsin and other MPs at the grave of the Unknown Soldier - different.; Person - CU.

Wildflowers - CU.

Summer landscape with river - LS.

The Kremlin - MS.; MPs pass - LS.

Cathedral of the Assumption - LS. PNRM.

The congress delegates talking on the sidelines - MS.

Cooperator millionaire Artem Tarasov is interviewed in one of the rooms of the Grand Kremlin Palace (synchronously), the operator removes the - MS., CU., Hitting.

Talking deputies military - CU.; Deputies Tikhomirov and N. Lieutenant - CU.

Student from Dagestan Murad Zargishiev gives interviews (synchronously) - CU.

Deputy from the Tyumen region, Viktor Yegorov gives interviews (synchronously) - CU.

MPs in the Kremlin - different.

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR - LS.

Tsar Cannon - CU.

Head of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs Deputy Alexander Gurov gives interviews (synchronously in the Kremlin) - CU., Departure, impact.

Flowers - CU.

Cathedrals of the Kremlin, the embankment of the Moscow River - LS. PNRM.

The windows of the building Kremlin - CU.

MS stands Gorbachev (synchronous) - Various.

MPs listen - CU., MS., PNRM. the Presidency; person - CU., LS. (With a / t).

BN listens Yeltsin - CU.

MPs applaud - LS. PNRM.

Reel №2

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Cathedral of the Kremlin - LS.

The people in front of the Kremlin (rally voters), the officer persuades people to disperse - MS.

Voters speak with MPs arguing elderly woman - MS.

Lantern on the building - CU.

Board in the hall with the words "Good Morning» - CU.

Sculpture VI Lenin and the flag of the Russian Federation - MS.

Delegates rise to greet the national flag of the Russian Federation, and then sit down - LS., Talking, sitting on the ground - LS., MS.

Presidium of the congress - LS. PNRM.

BN stands Yeltsin (synchronously) - LS., CU.

MS Gorbachev, N. Ryzhkov, A. Lukyanov listen - LS.

Backlit display with the names of candidates for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin and Polozkova - CU.

Coat of arms of the Soviet Union in the stands - CU.

MP stands IK Polozkov (synchronous) - CU.

MPs applaud - LS.

Employees of the Commission is a telegram sent to the Congress - MS. PNRM.; Faces, hands - CU.

Lie letters and telegrams - CU.

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Russian flag on the building-MS.

The windows of the building - CU. PNRM.

NI Lieutenant and others in the meeting room - CU.

Meeting, members debated on the podium - Various.

MPs and Muscovites speak Cathedral Square - LS., MS.

IK Polozkov Muscovites - CU.

Deputy Tatyana Koryagina interviewed on the Square (synchronously) - CU.

An elderly woman's face - CU.

Icon with a picture of Yeltsin - CU. PNRM.

Cathedral Square - LS. PNRM.

International journalist, member of the Vladimir region Iona Andronov is interviewed on the street (synchronously) - CU.

MPs up the stairs of the Palace - MS.

Chandelier, PNRM. the hall - LS.

MPs Vlasov and others receive ballots - MS.; Hands - CU.

BN Yeltsin gets Bulletin - MS.

Voting member of collars, etc. - MS.

MPs vote, they say (synchronously) - MS., CU.

Vote BN Yeltsin - LS.

The ballot box - CU. PNRM.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

George Hall of the Kremlin - LS. (With a / t).

Chandelier, door - CU. PNRM.

A sign on the door that says: "The Counting Commission» - CU.

Side of the hall to the stairs - LS.

MPs talk on the sidelines - MS.; Person - CU., PNRM.

MPs in the meeting room - different.

MP announces the results of voting (AA Vlasov - 467 "for" 570 "against, Boris Yeltsin - 535" for "502" against) (simultaneously) - CU., Departure.

MPs applaud - MS.

Photojournalist shoots BN Yeltsin - MS.

BN Yeltsin, who was elected Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, passes through the hall to the Presidium, members congratulated him, applauding standing - CU., MS. PNRM., Hitting.

MP MA Bocharov is interviewed on the sidelines (synchronous) - CU.

BN Yeltsin through the territory of the Kremlin, people congratulate him, he shook hands with them - LS., MS.

In the Kremlin there are people with placards, "to court traders Fatherland," "In support of Yeltsin we went to Russia to protect", "Yeltsin's Russian Federation Chairmen» - MS. PNRM.

People hold banners reading "People's Deputies

The fate of Russian refugees in your hands "," Human Rights.

Economic and political sovereignty »- MS.

MPs pass through the territory of the Kremlin - LS.

Woman hands over letter of the deputy - LS.

The priest talks to Muscovites - MS.

TV and computer in the meeting room - CU. PNRM.

AV (?) Vlasov and other MPs talking in the conference room-MS., CU.

The deputy, Colonel General Dmitry Volkogonov said on the sidelines of the congress (synchronous) - CU.

George Hall, sit MPs - LS.

BN Yeltsin over the meeting of the conciliation commission of a constitutional nature (synchronous) - CU.

PNRM. the room - LS.; person - CU.

Deputies receive ballot papers for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

- MS., CU.

IK Polozkov receive newsletter - CU.

MPs to vote with ballots - different.

Tellers at work - different.

Poured out of the box ballots - LS.

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

TV camera, meeting room-LS. PNRM.

Deputy Sevastyanov and other members of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in the hall-MS.

Boris Yeltsin leads the meeting of the first session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR-MS.

Session - various.

Deputies talk-MS.

Prime Minister of the RSFSR Ivan Silaev (former Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR) at a meeting, gives an interview (synchronously) - MS., CU.

Deputies on the sidelines-MS.

Minister of Finance of the RSFSR Boris Fedorov-CU.

Minister of Justice Nikolai Fedorov - CU.

Chairman of the Committee on Geology Dmitry Fedorov-MS.

Kremlin cathedrals, domes-CU.

Building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR-LS., departure.


Deputy B. E. Nemtsov speaks (synchronously).

Deputies, among them a priest-CU.

Electronic scoreboard with surnames-LS.

MPs stand in line for the microphone-MS. (the background is synchronized with the speeches of the deputies).

Deputies speak from the rostrum about the state sovereignty of the RSFSR (synchronously), listen, applaud-various.

Officers-deputies at the first microphone-CU.

Deputy of the Collars in the hall-CU.

Deputies talk during a break between meetings-CU.

PNRM. from the chandeliers to the hall-CU.

Deputy R. A. Abdulatipov gives an interview (synchronously) - CU., arrival, departure.

Women parse telegrams that came to the congress-MS., CU.

Domes of the Kremlin cathedrals (shot through the trees) - MS., hit-and-run.

The door of the Golden Queen's Chamber, a sign with the inscription "Editorial Commission" on the door-MS. PNRM.

Members of the editorial committee at work.

Murals on the walls - CU. PNRM.

Documents - CU.

Says a female deputy - member of the editorial committee (synchronously) - MS.

The Presidium of the Supreme Council - LS.

Meeting in the hall of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR-LS.

Voting for the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR: hands press the buttons of the voting device-CU.

Scoreboard with the inscription " For 907, against 13, abstained 2. Total 923. Offer accepted" - CU.

MPs give a standing ovation-MS., LS. PNRM.

The flag of the RSFSR on the Kremlin building-LS.

Deputies pass through the territory of the Kremlin-LS., MS.

Kremlin-LS., hit-and-run.

Movie №0