Encyclopedia of astronauts.Vladimir Solovyov. (2016)

Film-document №99605 1 part, Duration: 0:05:15 to collection Price category V4
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:05:15

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Producer Studio Roscosmos

Other authors: Rozakova Marina, Kuckij Mihail, Shatilo Sergej, Trudova Nataljya, Pastuhov Sergej


A series of films about important pages of the life of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts. Vladimir Alekseevich Solovyov, together with Leonid Kizim, for the first time in world space practice, went into outer space 6 times during one flight to repair the equipment of the Mir station. During their second flight, the astronauts flew from one orbital station to another and back for the first time in the world.

Heroes of Space | Space | Conquest of Space


Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos of Solovyov.

Works in the Central Design Bureau of Experimental Mechanical Engineering.

Solovyov and his colleagues.


Baikonur, the launch of the Soyuz T-10.

The crew of the ship (Solovyov, Kizim, Atkov).

MCC specialists.

Vladimir Solovyov talks about the loads while working in space.

Filming at NPO Energia (daily work, cosmonaut training, photography).

Baikonur, Solovyov and Kizim climb into the rocket, wave goodbye.

Soyuz T-15, Salyut-7 and Mir stations.

The centrifuge.

Filming of different years: Solovyov in NPO Energia, directs flights, etc.

A fragment of an interview about working in leadership positions.

Photos of different years.


Solovjev V.A. -- pilot-cosmonaut, scientist, designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
Kizim L.D. -- pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
Atjkov O.Yu. -- cosmonaut-researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Hero of the Soviet Union.


1984 1986

