Encyclopedia of astronauts.Manakov. (2016)

Film-document №99628 1 part, Duration: 0:04:00 to collection Price category V4
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:04:00

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Producer Studio Roscosmos

Other authors: Rozakova Marina, Kuckij Mihail, Shatilo Sergej, Trudova Nataljya, Pastuhov Sergej


A series of films about important pages of the life of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts. Gennady Mikhailovich Manakov made two space flights, was trained under the Buran program, and during the second flight participated in the Znamya experiment (a retro-reflector for lighting the Arctic).

Heroes of Space | Space | Conquest of Space


Reel №1

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Portrait of Manakov in a spacesuit.

Military aircraft flights, parachutists jumping, aerobatics, etc.

Manakov inside the spacecraft (training and training in the Air Force Control Center).

Baikonur, the launch of Soyuz TM-10.

Cosmonauts at the Mir station.

Manakov goes into outer space, returns back.

Astronauts at the station, Toyohiro Akiyama receives a symbolic gift.

Baikonur, the launch of Soyuz TM-16.

Manakov and Poleshchuk work at the Mir station.

An astronaut in outer space.

The astronaut tumbles in weightlessness.

Photos (Manakov and Poleshchuk).

Portrait of Manakov in a spacesuit.


Manakov G.M. -- pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Manarov M.H. -- Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, public and political figure.
Afanasjev V.M. -- test pilot, military pilot, engineer, test cosmonaut 1st class, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Toyohiro Akiyama -- Japanese journalist, engineer, cosmonaut-researcher.
Poleschuk A.F. -- pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation.


1980s 1990 1993

