Valdai - pure water. (1994)

Film-document №38740 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:23 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:47

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Director: M. Gnesin

Script writers: M. Gnesin

Operators: Voronov R.


The picturesque nature of the Valdai region, its distinctive history and culture. In figuratively - poetic form recreated ancient rites and crafts Valdai residents.

National culture | Russian cities and regions | Nature films

Culture and Arts | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1 Valdai - pure water

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A film about the Valdai, Novgorod region, territory Valdai Hills.

Landscapes of rivers, lakes, forests.

Filming ancient rites and crafts sale: bagels, casting bells, weaving and embroidery art, vintage wedding ceremony.

Iberian monastery.

The procession.

Blessing of the waters.

Believers in the temple of the icon of Our Lady of Iver.

City Valdai.

Valdai Hydrological Institute.

Institute employees at work.

Manufacturing processes and production of products for Optical and Mechanical Plant "Jupiter".

Building and exposure history museum.

Folk songs and dance ensemble.

Artists at work.



Tourist complexes.




Novgorod region





Science; Culture and Arts; Defense and internal security; Ecology; Towns and countries; Religion
Geography and Nature; Social life

Reel №2

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Panorama along the shore of the lake.

Iversky male monastery.

The spread of an old book.

Wooden carving.

Iversky Monastery (lithography).

Procession with the Iveron icon of the Mother of God on the lake.

Destroyed churches, manors.

On the shore of the lake, women in folk costumes spin and sing.

The spring.

The hydrologist takes a sample of water from the lake.

Hydrological scientific vessel.

Salt springs.

Extraction of therapeutic mud.

Tourist complex.

Construction of houses.

A boarding house on the shore of the lake.

A hunter on a boat.

The fisherman shakes out the catch on the grass.

Reel №3

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Fishermen are returning from fishing.



Novgorod region

