Evenk spring.. (1983)

Film-document №39179 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:11 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:56

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Director: Kuznetsov V.

Script writers: Melik-Pashaeva A.

Operators: R. Voronov


Story about Evenk region, the need to find a harmonious combination of traditional occupations with all new people, which brought to these lands BAM Construction.


Geography and Nature

Reel №1 Evenk spring.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

And everyday life of residents of the village of Ust-Evenki Nyukzha Amur region.

How life has changed Evenki building BAM. The need to find harmony between the traditional occupations of the Evenki: hunting, fishing with scientific and technological progress.

Nature taiga.

Head of fur farms in the farm "Lenin's Path" VP Polyakov about Evenk.

Key words

Social and family life. National policy. Nature. Farming.




Amur Oblast



Towns and countries
Geography and Nature

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Construction of BAM.

The bear eats berries.

Children's drawings.

Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the SSR Kaznacheev (synchronously).

Reindeer herders' camp.

Construction of wooden houses in the village.

Children cut deer out of paper.

Hunter M.P. Yakovlev (synchronously).

A boy throws a lasso on a deer.

BAM from the helicopter.

A man with a dog on a raft.

There is a train on BAM.


Kaznacheev V.P. -uchyonij v oblasti medicini, biofiziki, ekologii, sociologii, pedagogiki
doktor medicinskih nauk, akademik RAMN i RAN, professor, sovetnik pri direkcii GU NCKEM SO RAMN.


Amur Oblast

