Christmas in Paris. (1996)

Film-document №40848 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:01 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:47

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Morozov A.

Script writers: Morozov A.

Operators: Menjshikov S.


The film is about the life of the descendants nagaybakskih Cossacks living in the villages and towns of Paris, Ostroleka, Fershampenuaz, Arcis-sur-Aube (Arsinsky) and Kassel (Kassel) Nagaybaksky District Chelyabinsk Region. Villagers tell of the deeds of their ancestors, talk about the current problems and the legacy of nagaybakskogo people.

Russian cities and regions | National culture | Ethnography

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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Winter natural landscape.

Country house.

People come to the house, knocking at the gate, go into the yard.

Older people hold a religious ceremony.


Blacksmith forges iron.

Horseshoe on background lithograph "The Battle of Fere-Champenoise 13 March 1814".

Dissolve: lithography, fire.

Blacksmith fanning the fire.


The horse in the yard.

Users harness horse.

In the village tractor rides.

A resident of the village talking with reporters and plays with her foal.

A man rides a sleigh.

Paris village houses.

A pointer to the entrance to the village Ostroleka.

Along the street are older women.

People sit in the van.

Road sign.

Alternation: an interview with a resident of the village of Paris, views from the windows.

Blacksmith forges iron.

Children ride a roller coaster.

Girl with a cat in her lap.

The family at the dinner table.

Christmas tree in the room.

Woman gets out of the oven bread.

The photo.

The street goes triple.

Alternation: people in a sleigh, the story of a young woman, village streets and houses.

Three sweeps past the icy hill.


They say the villagers.

Chest with awards and photos.

Winter landscape on the road (shot from vehicle).


Money bills over the years.

Winter road.


Chelyabinsk region



Reel №2

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Rural church.

People go to the gate.

The man opens the gate.

Talk of the villagers with a priest.

Against the background of photos lit candle.

The ancient cemetery of the village Ostroleka.

A man raises his iron sheet in front of the house.

People read the inscription on the back and tell the story of the village.


Ancient icon.

Alternation: tells the hostess, photo, cat.

Collected from matches toy church.


Villagers speak with the priest.

Country house.

Muslim mosque.


Construction site of the Orthodox Church.

Trees near the road.

Peasant courtyard, unfinished house.

Man responds to questions and engaged in farming.

A woman cleans a cow.

The view from behind the fence.


Man feeding cows.

Woman adjusts cows.

Man rake hay.


Chelyabinsk region



Reel №3

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Flock of birds on the roof.

A woman cleans a cow.

Dog catches its tail.

Woman with a cow.

Says the owner of a farmstead.

A flock of pigeons flies.

Winter landscape.

Alternation: debate at the meeting, the residents on the streets of villages Nagaybaksky District.

Haystacks in the fields.

Alternation: host argument foal photos.

Traditional Christmas divination in the village of Paris.

Dissolve: lithography, fire.

Alternation: participants in religious ceremonies, icons.

Old violin.

I quote from the book of Ecclesiastes.


Chelyabinsk region

