Hosts subsoil. (1977)

Film-document №41280 3 parts, Duration: 0:26:16 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:49

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Morozov A.

Script writers: Basin E., Grosman L.

Operators: Groshenko O., Kostiljkov V., Hizhnyakov V.


The film illustrates the use of minerals in the USSR by showing regions where oil, gas, iron ore and other deposits are mined that play an important role in the economy.

Geography and Nature | Expeditions and discoveries | Educational films


Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Alternation: karst caves, minerals.

Volcanic lava.

power line, a view of the village from the cliff.


Animation: the Soviet Union map showing mineral deposits.

Kursk Magnetic Anomaly Map.

Rail freight trains.

Mining of iron ores.

Installing intelligence towers.



Siberia map.


Panorama marshes.

Hydroplane landing on the lake.

Helicopter lands on the shore.

Man carries to shore equipment.

Seismic exploration in the swamps.

on oil rigs View.

Pumping station.

Oil storage.

Work on the drilling of Samotlor.

Oil tankers.

on the shore with water view.

Cargo barge.

Unloading pipes.

Stella first well Samotlor.

The streets of Siberian cities and towns.

View of the road through the trees.

On tarmac terrain vehicle rides.

Drilling on the lake (air mode).

Plane takes off.

The crew in the cockpit.

aerial survey results.

The helicopter pilot.

view from the cockpit.

A man catches a deer.

Herd of deer in a pen.

Above bonfire smoked fish.

Helicopter landing.

Gas pumps.

View of the way of all-terrain vehicle.

The construction of gas gathering stations.

gas exit point.


View of the station from the air.

Helicopter with a load on the suspension.

Panorama marshes.

Cargo helicopter over the taiga.

Key words

Gemology. Mineralogy. Petrography.


Kursk region
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra
Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Views of the taiga from the rocks.

From the tunnel leaves a freight train.

Extraction of coal.

Geologists work on the cut.

Man leads the horses across the river.

Aquatic vegetation.

Geologists are taking samples of water.

The man Chips rock sample.

Grapes rowan.

The study of water samples on the shore.

A geologist collects plants.

Sampling from the tree bark.

Bags with the samples.

Laboratory research.

Students in the classroom.

Students in the mineralogical museum.

Laboratory work.

Practical lessons.

Students study maps.

Ural Mountains on the map.

Landscapes, fog.


From under the stone snake crawls.

Lizard hiding in a hole.

Landscapes Ilmen Reserve.

The nest of birds of prey, the adult bird flies away.

View from the water on the houses of the Reserve.

The nest under stones.

On the rock down the spider.

Remains of buildings of old mines.

Ural gems.

Shadows walking on the trail of people.

Geologists examining rocks.

People coming down.

Boulders, forest on the rocks.

Students practice.

The cut granite.

Forest stream.

Shade plants on the stone.

From under the worm crawls out of the crystal.

A man with a piece of rock in his hands.

Lizard on the rock.


Photo on a background of stones.

Veniks on the wall.

Man signs of rock samples.

Ural gems.

Open the box with the processed stones.

Treated stones on a background of rough crystals.

The stones on the table.

Scientist examines a stone.

The cut of the stone.

The crystal in his fingers.

Needle crystals.

Students are engaged in the forest.

Stone clean tweezers from plant fibers.

Jasper Cave.

The cars in the tunnel, the flash of electric discharges.

Solar patches of light on water.

Tidal bore.

Amber Burst on the sand.

Baltic on the map.

Owl on the ship.

Amber in the sand.

Waves lapping on the shore.

Articles made of amber.

Key words

Gemology. Mineralogy. Petrography.


Chelyabinsk region



Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Amber processing in the factory.

Making jewelry.


Coastal cliffs.

Sea waves.

Sea view from the shore.

Scientists take samples from a cliff.

Fish in shallow water.

Tidal bore.

People are floating on an inflatable boat.

Stones and sea urchins.

The boat swim to the rock, the scientist takes a sample.

Sections of the breed.

Alternation: underwater, divers working on the bottom.

The surface of the sea.

Research ship.

The crew of the ship.

Sea view from the stern.

Descent equipment overboard.

Scientists are discussing the data collected.

Underwater seismic.

Far East map.

Landscapes Kamchatka natural features.

Rainbow over the water.

Falls and breaks icy grass.

Steam over hot springs.

Puppy runs along the shore.

The man is cooking fish in the source.

On the grass lies a dog.

ATV rides into the river.

ATV in the woods.

The pump on the hot source.

From pipe water flows.

Putting power.

Vacationers in pools sanatorium.


Maturing cucumbers.

People collect cucumbers.

A bee on a flower.

Beekeeper works in the greenhouse.

Mountain view.

water temperature measurement.

Vibrant water.

Movement of lava.

Scientists observe the eruption of Tolbachik volcano.

Volcanology take samples of lava.

On the road all-terrain vehicle rides.

People walk through the woods.

View from the forest to the top of the mountain.

Dried trees.

View from the forest on the river, people go on motor boats.

View of the taiga from the rocks.

Geologists on a mountain trail.

coast Panorama.

Panorama of the city.

Key words

Gemology. Mineralogy. Petrography.


Kamchatka Krai

