Shor. (1992)

Film-document №41357 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:00

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Pogorelova T.

Script writers: Pogorelova T.

Operators: Trifonov A.

Anouncers: Chelbogashev G.G.


Shortses are a small-numbered nationality living in the South of the Kemerovo area. Their number fluctuates around 16 thousand a half people. What are they like?

Ethnography | National culture

Geography and Nature | Culture and Arts

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Landscapes Mountain Shoria.

The river is motorboat.

Coastal stones.

Those men.

Child petting the dog.

A man with a child in her arms.

Mountain Shoria on the map.

Residents of the village.

The pilot in the cockpit of the helicopter.

Population gets loads.

The helicopter flies away.

Panorama taiga on the slopes.

The national ceremony "Bride price".

Alternating: the narrator singing around the campfire, crafts, museum exhibits.

Archaeological excavations in the Valley Mrassu, smelter.

The window in the hut-hut.

The woman prepares a meal.

People in the house.

The light from the skylight.


Woman frays grain and singing a folk song.

A man sharpening his knife, the woman wound coils.

Coniferous forests.

Mountain waterfall.

The settlement on the banks of the river (with a shot of water).

The gun in the hands of men.

On the grass running sable.

Hunter checks skiing.

Sable looks from a hollow.

Dogs in the yard.

The family goes through pine nuts.

The beekeeper works on an apiary.

Women milk the cows.

Cows near the houses.

Panorama taiga.

Elderly woman shaman.

Woman with children in the house.

Red corner with Orthodox icons.

The priest blesses the children.

The rite of baptism.

The priest teaches children to be baptized.

Ancient icons, church books and textbooks.

Handicrafts (wood and bone, wood sculpture).

Groom chopping wood, women braid bride and sing a song.

Women cook on fires.

The people at the table, a festive meal.

Panorama of the city.

Students at the lesson of the native language.

Excerpt of school performance.

It performs folk dance ensemble.


Kemerovo region