During the All-Union Sports and Athletic Competitions (The All-Union Sports and Athletic Competition. (1956)

Film-document №4701 7 parts, Duration: 0:47:05 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:12

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Boykov V., Venzher I.

Composers: Solovev-Sedoy V.

Anouncers: Vygodskiy R.

Text writers: Laskin B., Matusovskiy M.


The preparation and organization of the All-Union Sports and Athletic Competitions of the USSR Peoples.

Sporting events


Reel №1

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Athletes are with banners.

Motorcycle riding and relay participants on bicycles.

Airplane is flying over the sea sail boat.

The people welcomed the participants stellar relay.

Runners alternate riders.

Relay participants are on the roads of Donbass, virgin lands, etc.

On the bank of the Volga athletes handed the baton to yachtsmen.

Yachtsmen replace motorists.

Sporting event at the new stadium in Minsk.

The opening of the sports festival in Stalinabad.

In Yerevan, the stadium, are: A. Azarian gymnast, athlete V. Evsenyan.

Performance athletes of Azerbaijan.

Training riders in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

At the stadium in Latvia competing athletes.

Practicing tennis in Tajikistan and Ukraine.

Participants Olympics are going to train to Moscow.


Lenin Stadium.

Small Sports Arena, a swimming pool, the main sports arena.

Arrival in Moscow athletes.



People go to the stadium.

Report on the eve of Games.

Reel №2

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The people filling the stands Lenin.

Cameraman talks stadium with Raikin.

At the stadium are participants parade.

In the central box appears leaders of the CPSU and the Soviet government.

The people welcomed them.

Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture Romanov congratulates athletes (synchronously).

People welcome, applauding.

Participants arrive at the stadium stellar relay.

The group's best athletes is the national flag of the Soviet Union.

Raising the flag.

Girls athlete presented with flowers to members of the government.

March-past parade participants.

At the stadium out children.

The stands are flying flowers and paper doves.

Performance of children.

The people applauded.

Reel №3

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Athletes Company "labor reserves".

Vladimir Kuts Nikiforov with his coach at the start of the race at 10,000 meters.


Leader Vladimir Kuts.

Run Anufriev and Cherniavsky.

Vladimir Kuts finishes first race.

Speech students of the Institute of Physical Culture.

At the stadium are the athletes unions.

Group of gymnasts on motorcycles.

Athletes form the words "Glory to the CPSU," "world - the world."

The people applauded.

Applauding the government.

Olympics opening celebration finishes.

On the grounds of the stadium "Dynamo" played by women's volleyball teams in Moscow and Leningrad.

The team of Moscow.

Worth winning team.

Reel №4

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Finals men's volleyball teams.

Ukraine team - the winner.

The Small Sports Arena Central Stadium are athletes of Latvia and Lithuania.

Basketball game between the teams of Latvia and Lithuania - the winners of the Latvian athletes.

Honored Master of Sports Andreev and N. Ozerov play tennis.

Judge congratulates winner - Andreeva.

In the women's final meeting in tennis compete L. Transfiguration and Kuzmenko.

Spectators welcome winner Kuzmenko.

The race for 100 meters.

Ran I. Bochkarev, Popov wins Popov.

The audience applauded.

Men's race.

Winner B. Tokarev.

The race in the 200 meters.

Winner A. Ignatiev.

At a distance of 200 meters start woman wins M. Itkin.

Competition in the triple jump.

Jump E. Chen, Shcherbakov.

The audience welcomed the winner Ya Shcherbakov.

Competition in gymnastics at the Young Pioneers Stadium.

Exercise performed on the rings H. Rauf, V. Muratov, on horseback - B. Shakhlin, parallel bars - V. Chukarin, on the bar - AP Pillars on a log - T. Manin, on the uneven bars - S. Muratov, PA Astakhov.


Highway outside Moscow.

Lenin Stadium.

M. Krivonosov throwing hammer.

Reel №5

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Pushes the nucleus W. Hovsepian.

Photographers shoot champion.

Competition in the high jump with a pole.

Ready to jump Chernobay V., V. Bulatov, P. Denisenko.

Says N. Ozolin (synchronously).

The audience applauded the winner V. Chernobaev.

Trail marathon.

Pass turning parts Ivanov, I. Filin.

The stadium first runs I. Filin.

Athletes preparing for the run.


Runs Vinogradov.

Vinogradov finish.

Decathlon: Running men.

Jumping Kuznetsov.

Competition in the women's three thousand meters.

Rzhischin runs, it sets a world record.

Rzhischin says (synchronously).

Athletes in the square at the Bolshoi Theater, the cafe "Friendship" and other places of Moscow.

Moscow (evening).


Stadium in Luzhniki.

Swimming competition in the outdoor pool.

Women's swim.

Spectators welcome Ulvi Woog.

G. Kuvaldin swimmer swims.

The winner of the male swim F. Dosayev awarded an honorary prize and costume champion.

Reel №6

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Competition in diving.

Jump K. Gusev, Z. Blyuvas, T. Karakashyani, Galkin, M. Chachba, G. White.

Pioneers presented with flowers winners.

Competition canoe paddlers on the Khimki Reservoir.

Award winners.

Launch a canoe.

Winners Yakunin and S. Oshchepkov.

Start eights.

The winners of the team in Moscow.

Award winners.

Competition winners in the vicinity of Moscow.

The route to the women's road race of 50 kilometers.

Rounding out the distance T. Novikova and Lukashin.

Start at a distance of 200 kilometers.

First comes Koledov Yu.

In the gym MSU meeting wrestlers.

Freestyle wrestling.

Speakers and Kashkin Shakhov.

The audience applauded the winner Shakhov.

Greco-Roman wrestling competition.

Playing Karavaev and Vyrupaev.

O. Karavaev wins.

Middleweight fighters compete G. Kartozia and Rekov.

Rekov wins.

Playing heavyweights.

I. Kotkas wins.

Speech weightlifters Habutdinova R., A. Vorobyov.

Raises the bar Medvedev.

Boxing events.

In the ring, featherweight boxer A. Zasukhin.

In the ring, E. and A. Shatkov Lyasota.

The judge announces the winner - G. shaky.

Reel №7

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In one of the halls of the Palace of Physical Education "Wings of the Soviets" open competition fencers.

The combat path to espadronah fencers.

People congratulates winner Ya Rila.

Participants in the competition in foil - V. Rastvorova, N. Shitikova.

B. Rastvorova wins - the champion of the USSR.

At the suburban sports shooting arrows compete.

European champion shoots E. Cherkasov.

In target "running deer" shooting world champion Vladimir Romanenko, wins Nikitin.

Shooting shot at flying targets.

In the Line of Fire - T. Mogilev, I. Isayev.

B. Antonov wins.

Shooting champion Bogdanov.

Comrades congratulated on winning Bogdanov.

Final Equestrian sport.

The building of the Moscow Hippodrome.

The route passes A. Belitsky, E. Shabaylo.

A. Belitsky wins.

Steeplechase at a distance of four thousand meters.

Jump leads I. Chernyshev.

Next pulled V. dust.

Central Lenin Stadium.

At the start of the race participants go for 800 meters - N. Otkalenko, D. Levitsky, L. Lysenko.

First finish L. Lysenko.

The field consists of football teams of Georgia and Moscow.

Vadim Sinyavsky.

The game of football.

Stadium (evening).



Grand Kremlin Palace.

Athletes up the stairs.

Kuznetsov cut the ribbon.

Evening open.

Awarding of prizes.

Novels presents the first prize of Moscow team - winners Olympics, the second prize - a team of the Russian Federation.

Athletes are waltzing (synchronously).
