Geologists out to sea.. (1982)

Film-document №51869 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:58 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:04

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Director: Riklin V.

Script writers: Shejnin B.

Operators: Klimentjev A., Puntakov I.


The film tells about a difficult profession of marine geologists, geological exploration of the seabed with research and practical purposes. The film is based on the request of the Institute of Oceanology named after Shirshov.

Science | Expeditions and discoveries

Geography and Nature

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Scuba divers swim under water.

Astronauts working at the station.

Types of Earth from space.

The surface of the ocean.

Coral, underwater inhabitants.

The research vessel "Dmitry Mendeleev".

Scientists have raised the bottom of the soil samples.

Scientists examine soil.

Lines from the ship.

Ship research equipment.

Scientists make underwater maps.

Animation: Earth, mid-ocean ridges.

The bow of the deck.

Scientists lowered overboard seismic antenna.

Descent pnevmoizluchatelya.

Datalogging pnevmoizluchatelya.

Processing incoming data, building profilograms.

Sea views.

Geologist ready to work bottom seismograph.

Descent seismograph under water.

Scientists have set a buoy.

The bow of the deck.

Animation: the movement of the plates, the formation of mid-ocean ridges and fissures, volcanic activity.

Volcanic eruptions.

Locators on the masts.

Man working with locator.

Buoy on the ground of descent seismograph.

Lifting seismograph.

Explanation of data.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The palm groves.

Installing a seismograph on the island.

Natural scenery.

Ocean waves.

The crew in the cockpit.

A scientist in a laboratory.

Locators on the masts. "Dmitrii Mendeleev" in the ocean.

Magnetologist prepare equipment for operation.

The descent of the device into the water.

The machine in tow.

Scientists remove the readings, recording magnetic anomalies.

Processing of measurements in the ship's computer center.

Lines from the ship.

Ocean views.

The ship in the ocean.

The rise from the depth of the unit "Sound-6."

Scientists are working with the device on the deck.

Preparing the descent of the submersible "Pisces". "Pisces" is removed from the ship.

The crew descends into the machine.


"Pisces" under water.

Ocean floor.

Photo. "Pisces" under water.

The crew members.

Output device surface. "Dmitrii Mendeleev" at anchor.

Preparing the descent vehicle "Argus".

"Argus" in tow.

Captain at the helm.

Immersion "Argus".

The crew is working under water, collecting samples.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Institute of Oceanology named after Shirshov.

Scientists study rock samples from the ocean floor.

Laboratory experiments.

Processing of data on a computer.


V.V.Kovalyonok, A.S.Monin A.M.Sagalevich and view photos in the album.

Scientists review and discuss the underwater photography.

Underwater inhabitants.

Seagulls over the ocean.

Drilling "Shelf-1".

Work on the rig.

Geologists working under water.

Dive deep underwater with the help of a self-propelled machine.


Kovalyonok VV - Soviet cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General, Candidate of Military Sciences, professor, president of the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia.
AS Monin - Geophysics oceanographer, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences, Honorary Doctor of the University of Gothenburg.
Sagalevich AM - Researcher of the World Ocean, Ph.D., Professor, Hero of the Russian Federation.