Discovery of Antarctica.. (1985)

Film-document №52297 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:29 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:49

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Director: Popov L.

Script writers: A. Bogomolov

Operators: L. Fomichev

Composers: I. Kosmachev


The film is dedicated to the Discoveries Antarctica FF Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev.

Expeditions and discoveries

Geography and Nature

Reel №1

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Hall Naval Museum in Leningrad.

Ship models, sculptures, paintings and photographs on the walls.

Models of ships "Vostok" and "Peace".

Departure from the waters of the river to the general plan of the building on the beach.

The painting depicts sailboats "East" and "Peace".

Portraits naval FF Bellingshausen and MP Lazarev.

Open book on a table in the museum store.

PNRM. by handwritten notes and table documents.

Rowed down the river in Kronstadt, on the banks of walls and buildings Admiralty warehouses.

Hit a handwritten letter telling about the beginning of the expedition.

Rowed down the river.

The painting depicts sailboats "East" and "Peace".

Dark clouds in the sky over the water.

Picture: river and ship in Copenhagen.

Hit a handwritten letter.

Picture: river and ship in Portsmouth.

Figure city streets of London.

Museum exhibits: vintage instruments for navigation at sea, ship model.

On a shelf under the glass should ship's bell on the table: a globe, maps, rulers for routing.

The text of the letter with the heading "Instructions of His Imperial Majesty."

Old map of the southern regions of the Earth.

Portrait explorer James Cook Spinning Globe, hit a pole region.

Ice in the ocean.

Draw a map of the first approach reflects the Bellingshausen and Lazarev expedition to Antarctica.

Antarctic ice.

Entries Lazarev.

Penguin colony - different.

Manor in Estonia, where he was born Bellingshausen.



Reel №2

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Surf (lens "Fish Eye").

Plants on the bottom.

Monument to Admiral FF Bellingshausen.

Sea with floating ice floes.

PNRM. with reflection in the water at the Temple on the banks.

Cathedral of the Assumption, "Golden" Gate, built the Temple in the city of Vladimir.

River with green banks.

Monument to Admiral MP Lazarus.

Artistic portrait of Lazarev and Bellingshausen.

PNRM. over the water with ice to dim the sun in the sky.

Blizzard penguin colony.

Diary entries.

Old picture: ships off the coast of Australia.

Drawings: officer visiting locals, Australian Aborigines.

Drawings from nature artist Pavel Mikhailov: unusual bird, fish, species of sperm whales.

Sea and sky in the clouds.

Picture: ships off the coast covered with ice.

The snow surface to the horizon.

Special effects: the green landscapes of the motherland.

The ice surface.

Diary entries on the map, the inscription: "The Island of Peter the Great."

Water with floating ice, in front of the beach.

Storm waves.

Diary entries and pictures.

PNRM. along the shore of Alexander the Great.

In papers signature Bellingshausen.

Map of Antarctica.

Envelope with commemorative stamps Special-dedicated world tour.

Models of ships, which sailed discoverers of Antarctica.

The view from the rocky shore of the sea with ice floes.

Built in the scientific town in Antarctica.

Soviet research station, flapping in the wind red flag.

Key words

Geographic Discoveries