Soviet license.. (1976)

Film-document №52315 3 parts, Duration: 0:24:35 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:03

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1, 2, 3;

3 2 1

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Director: Rodivilin V.


The film gives an idea of ​​the wide possibilities of the USSR in the export of technical ideas.

Industry | Discoveries | International cooperation

Sectors of the economy | Science | Space

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Animation: the starry sky, space satellites.

Pages Jules Verne novel with illustrations.

Portrait of Yuri Gagarin.

Animation: space satellites, docked with the station.

Astronauts on the station.

View of the Earth from portholes.


A man collects the medal symbol of two halves.

Animation: space satellite.

The camera moves along the corridor.

Operators at the control panel.


The numbers on the computer screen.

Animation: the head of the statue with a digital counter, the formula on the board, photos.

Airplanes on the airfield.

Experts at the controls.

Plant equipment.

Animation: splashes of molten metal.

The airport landing aircraft.

An employee of the archive is on the aisle.

Woman puts a folder on the shelf.

The camera moves down the aisles, the staff archive searching information on the shelves.

A woman pulls out and opens the folder.

Dissolve: pages of documents, burning coal coke.

Burning coke falls out into a metal container.

Capacity is pushed into an oven and flooded with water.

Clouds of steam.

The smoke from the chimneys.


The new factory equipment.

Description of the method of dry coke quenching, different stages.

Animation: what happens to the raw material in the pipes.

Alternation: blast furnaces, coke on the conveyor, smokestacks burning coke.

Solar patches of light on water.

Sparks fly.

Roll out the steel tape.

The continuous casting of steel.

Dissolve: pages of documents, pouring molten metal.

The story of the continuous casting of steel.

Ready steel sheet on the conveyor.

Hands pianist at the keyboard of the piano.

Railroad tracks.

Rolled metal.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The story of the electroslag remelting method.

Dissolve: Setting short movable mold, pages of documents.

Description of the principle of the installation, the stages of production of metal ingots.

Examples of major parts.

Documents and photographs.

On the TV footage of the work of the Swedish company.

Foreign certificates and licenses.

Scientist at the table reading documents.

A diver goes down under water.

Launching equipment into the water.

Underwater welding.

Dissolve: pages of documents, fire arc welding.

Specialist equipment sets.

The principle of arc welding (cranking).



Creation of the electrode.

Specialist closes the device.

Shutter device in water.

Sea bottom.

Divers are working with welding underwater.

Construction ground pneumatic pipeline.

Animation: pages of documents, photo-collage.

View of the construction site.

Pneumatic conveying gravel.

Loading gravel in (alternate shooting real footage and animation).

Animation: the air pressure propels the capsule with cargo.

The camera moves along the pipeline.

Panorama of the pipeline across the river.

Animation: the route of the pipeline through agricultural land and human settlements.



Animation: unloading of materials.

Gravel is poured from the transport capsule.

Readings on the scoreboard.

View the route.

Manager of the remote control.

The scoreboard keeps track of capsules.

Unloading gravel.

Pouring pellets of polyethylene.

Plastic film on the factory assembly line.

Experts view the data on a computer.

Dissolve: pages of documents, photos.

Pouring pellets of polyethylene.

The equipment of the Soviet-German enterprise.



Hall reactor.

Animation: the reactor tube, the instrument readings.


Recording equipment.

Powered automated system.

Automatic filling bags.

Operating control and sealed bags.

Plastic film on the conveyor.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The city and the production company at night.

Laboratory poured into a petri dish toxic waste.

Animation: drop the waste turns into a skull and bones, flowers wither.

Archive folder.

Pages documents.

The cyclone reactor for processing liquid waste chemical production.

Animation: the decomposition of waste with fire.

Drops waste.

The chemical formula of soda.

Pieces of soda.

Animation: steam rises.

Steam comes out of the chimney.

Animation: the flowers bloom and foliage.

Opens a photo collage.

Woman carrying a basket of grapes on her shoulder.

Alternation: Vintage, bubbles in a glass of champagne.

Dissolve: the grapes are transformed into bottles.

Dissolve: the bottles are rotated for bottles and glasses playing light patches.

A man walks down the aisle past the barrels, reads the inscription.

An employee of the plant shifts the bottles on the shelves.

Employees of the plant turns the bottle.

Archive folder.

Dissolve: page documents, pours a glass of champagne, a number of bottles.

Tanks for the production of champagne by the method of continuous flow.

The flood: a bottle of champagne, exhibition medals.

From bottle cork flies.

Champagne is poured into a glass.

The bubbles in the glass.

Dissolve: champagne glass, exhibition medals.

The bottles on the conveyor.


Automatic lines for sealing bottles.

Licenses and certificates.

A fragment of an interview with a foreign representative.

Alternation: licenses and certificates presented in the film footage of production processes.

People sign the documents.

Astronauts working at the plant and shake hands.

View of the Earth from portholes.

Foreign airlines fly airplanes.

