Papanin. (1938)

Film-document №53777 6 parts, Duration: 0:47:00 to collection Price category A
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

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Reel №1

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OJ Schmidt and M. Vodop'yanov in the office of the aircraft.

Schmidt out of the plane.

Rotating propellers.

Schmidt and Vodop'yanov with polar explorers in the plane.

A panorama of snow-covered field.

Polar build homes from snow blocks on a drifting ice floe, install the equipment.

The flag with the inscription "USSR. Drifting NSRA expedition."

Say goodbye to a group of explorers Papanina.

Schmidt Papanina hugging, kissing, shaking hands.

Rotating propeller plane.

Papanin waving their hands.

Vodop'yanov waving from the cockpit.

The plane takes off.

Flying the flag with the image of Stalin.

Papanin, Ernst Fedorov, waving their hands.

Papanin out of the tent.

Ernst at the device connection.

Employees of radio, telegraph receive messages Krenkel.

Meteorologists process the data.

Papanin with a movie camera.

Papanin out of the tent out of the snow, bypassing.

Fedorov at meteorological tower.

Papanin build "ice kitchen."

Papanin driven canoe rides, light up, bypass the camp; on the shore, the sea hare hunt.

Shirshov going skiing, falls.

Shirshov equipment for water sampling.

Shirshov Papanin and twist the handle hydrological equipment - unwound winch.

Papanin set a tent over the hole.

Key words

North Pole, polar expedition


ID Papanin - scientist, researcher
EK Fedorov - a geophysicist, meteorologist
TE Ernst - radioman drifting station
OJ Schmidt - mathematician, geographer, a geophysicist, astronomer, researcher
MV Vodop'yanov - a pilot, a member of Arctic expeditions

PP Shirshov - hydrobiologist, oceanographer



Reel №2

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Papanin insulated tent for the winter.

Newsreel 30-ies .: Making tents for the expedition at the Moscow plant "Rubber".

Papanin opened a box of food.

Newsreel 30-ies .: Laboratory of the Institute of Engineers catering specialists develop diet members of the expedition.

Preparation shop provisions: slicing vegetables, juices, dumplings and so on.

Papanin in a tent-kitchen at steaming pots, try the food.

Ernst smoke in the tent.

Ernst equipment sending the message.

Radio operators and telegraph operators receive messages Krenkel.

Blizzard, Papanin restore operation of the equipment under heavy wind.


Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Portraits of candidates, campaign materials.

The call to vote for ET Krenkel.

Meetings devoted to the election.



Reel №3

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Stalin's speech at the Bolshoi Theatre.

On the drifting station waving flag with a portrait of Stalin.

Snowfields, ice storm.

Radio operators receive messages from the station.

Printed in the newspaper, people in line at the newsstand.



Reel №4

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Boat "Murmanets" in a stormy ocean.

Floating Ice "Taimyr", the team on the deck of the ship.

Waves behind.

Hands rotating wheel steering wheel.

Water fills the nose of the ship.

Seagull in the sky.


Preparation icebreaker "Ermak" to march.

Red Navy ship coal on board.

Floating Ice "Moorman" in the band pancake ice.

The officer on board looking through binoculars.

Worked as a fireman.

The general plan of the icebreaker in ice.

Hands turn the steering wheel, break the ice.

Team icebreaker on the deck.

Break the ice under his nose icebreaker.

Ice hummocks.

It should be an icebreaker, resting in the pack ice.

Is icebreaker "Ermak", worked as a fireman, worked as a mechanic.

Aircraft icebreakers "Taimyr" and "Murman" prepared for reconnaissance flights.

Vlasov pilot in the cockpit, wear a helmet.

Team icebreaker waving his arms.

Plane in the sky.

Smokes a pipe icebreaker.

Hand radio operator sending the message.

The commander of the icebreaker "Taimyr" Askaltsev talking with Papanin.



Reel №5

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Vlasov plane on an ice floe.

Pilot talking with the team icebreaker "Murman".

Night, the team on deck.

The movement of the ice.

Team work on the icebreaker.

Icebreaker breaks the ice.

Icebreaker at camp papanintsev.

The team goes icebreaker goes to camp.

Four papanintsev waving hats, waving a flag with the image of Stalin.

Papanintsev shakes on hands.

The evacuation of the camp. E. Fedorov collects meteorological equipment.

Papanin removes flag folds tent.

Papanin pours out of a barrel sailors drink, clink sailors.

E. Ernst at the transmitter, smokes.



Reel №6

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Flying the flag of the USSR. Go icebreakers.


Sailors at the pier, meet icebreakers.

Icebreakers near the shore.

Papanintsev on snowmobiles to deliver an icebreaker to the shore.

Teams icebreakers delivered to the bank on the iceboat.

Papanin and rescue mission participants waving their hands.


Steamer coming to the shore.

Papanin down the ladder, waving his cap.

Papanin with his wife in the car.

Occur on the streets of Leningrad.

Papanin waving from an open car.

Portraits of Stalin, Lenin and papanintsev on the building.

Cars papanintsev pass among the crowd.

Papanin on the train.

People on the platform waving their hands (with motion from the train window).

Waiters served tables in the dining car.

Papanin with O. Schmidt at the table, talking, laughing.

Papanin with their wives.

Covered tables.

Papanintsev meet on the platform in Kalinin.

Papanintsev meet Klin.

People along the tracks, waving their hands (with motion).

Leningrad Station, portraits of Stalin and papanintsev on the station building.

Papanin go to the platform.

Papanin and Schmidt in an open car ride through the streets of Moscow, met.

Papanin passing through the streets.

Cars enter the gates of the Kremlin, passing through the territory of the Kremlin.

Passes SM Budionny.

Schmidt out of the car.

Admission Stalin.

Stalin Papanina hugs, posing for photographers.

Types Kremlin.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich



