At the North Pole. (1937)

Film-document №53781 8 parts, Duration: 1:01:43 to collection Price category A
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:21

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Reel №1

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Snow fields of the Arctic.

Plane, the inscription on the board: "Aviaarktika."

Members of the expedition to the North Pole led by OJ Schmidt at the aircraft before departure.

Michael Vodop'yanov the aircraft.

Papanin the aircraft.

Mark Trojanowski have cameras.

Schmidt says goodbye to the mourners.

Members of the expedition climb into the plane.

The plane takes off.

Planes in the sky.

Planes land on snow-covered field in Kholmogory.

Local residents are fleeing to the aircraft.

Schmidt and members of the expedition the aircraft, smoke.

Changing the wheels of the aircraft on skis.

Papanin from the jack.

Members of the expedition roll back wheel, fix it under the belly of the aircraft.

Aircraft with operating screws.

The plane takes off.

The pilot at the controls.

Forecasters receive weather reports.

Naryan-Mar, the local population meets the expedition.

Schmidt, Vodop'yanov and other members of the expedition from the aircraft.

Panorama of the snowy Naryan-Maru.

Papanin smiling.

Reindeer team in aircraft, going down the street.

Papanin, Ernst, Fedorov and Shirshov walking down the street.

Papanin stroking a deer.

Forecaster expedition Boris Dzerdzeevsky Papanin and receive weather reports.

Schmidt - big plans.

Planes start taking off, can not get off the ground because of the cargo.

Resetting the extra weight in Naryan-Mar.

Planes taking off.

The pilot in the cockpit.


ID Papanin - scientist, researcher.
OJ Schmidt - scientist, researcher
MV Vodop'yanov - a pilot, a member of polar expeditions







Reel №2

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Expedition in aircraft: launch into the sky balloon, doing research.

Rotating propeller plane.

Vodop'yanov looks from the cockpit.

There is a rover.

Beacon, radio operator at the instruments.

Member of the expedition paves the route.

Vodop'yanov at the helm.

Ice (the plane).

Troyanovskiy adjusts movie camera.

Members of the expedition in the plane of the work.

Schmidt talks to Vodopyanov.

Plane at the North Pole.

Schmidt, Papanin, Vodop'yanov et al.

At the plane.

Unloading the aircraft.

Schmidt pulling sleds with baggage.

Installation of radio masts, tents.



Reel №3

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Unloading of aircraft, cargo sled dog.


Work in a snowstorm.

Snowbound camp, clearing snow drifts.

Panorama of the aircraft.

Planes taking off.

Base on the Rudolf Island.


Members of the expedition being taken off the plane in a jeep.

Preparing for the flight to the North Pole: loading aircraft.

Papanin fills the jar.

Bales with things.

Papanin with the expedition members at the table in the house, argues.

Loading operations.

The expedition members have planes taking reports.

Kennel, feed dogs.

Members of the expedition in the nursery.

Papanin petting the dog.

White bears, Papanin with cubs.

May Day demonstration on Rudolf Island.

Schmidt stands.

Shooting guns in the Kremlin.

Members of the expedition shot into the air.

May Day demonstration in Moscow on Red Square.

Stalin waving from the podium (near Khrushchev).

On snow-covered field are members of the expedition with banners.

Members of the expedition smoking, talking.



Reel №4

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Radio operators on the mainland at the instruments.

Krenkel at the device connection.

Schmidt smokes.

Papanin starts the generator.

Krenkel and Vodop'yanov at the device connection.

The connection is established, the expedition hug.

Krenkel sends the first telegram.

Radio operators and telegraph message is received Krenkel.

Papanin opens a box of groceries.

Papanin and Schmidt in the box, consider supplies.

Members of the expedition camp: write, spend filming, remove meteopokazaniya, check the thickness of the ice floes, and so on.

Schmidt read a telegram from the mainland.

Construction of the camp, build a house of snow blocks.

Snow covered house parachute.

Krenkel and Schmidt in the device due to smoke.

Explorers in the camp at work.


TE Ernst - signalman expedition Papanina



Reel №5

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The participants in the camp.

Come to the North Pole expedition remaining planes.

Schmidt talks with E. Fedorov.

Meeting aircraft.

Papanin prepares food in the tent.

Polar snow gathers in the pan.

Schmidt is drinking from a mug.

Papanin makes a steaming pot of the tent.

Polar lunch.

Papanin washing dishes in a bucket.

Installing and running the windmill.

Arrival Aircraft Alekseev in camp.

Alexeev at the helm.

Polar meet the plane.

Unloading the aircraft.

Installing residential tents.

Tent covered with a banner that read: "USSR. Drifting expedition NSRA. 1937".

Polar inflated air mattresses.

Papanin, Ernst, Fedorov and Shirshov sit in a tent for a photo.

Installing velogeneratora.

Ernst smokes.

Papanin pedals velogeneratora.

Construction of the camp.



Reel №6

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Session direct connection with Moscow.

Schmidt sends a message.

Polar lit a smoke bomb to approaching aircraft Mazuruk.

Polar look at the sky.

Plane in the sky.

Schmidt looks at the sky.

Papanin indicates a hand toward the plane.

Plane lands.

Meeting of the aircraft.

Unloading the aircraft.

Morning in the camp: Schmidt washes, polar wash, shave.

Preparation of aircraft for the flight.

Setting up cameras.

Farewell rally speech Schmidt.

Raising the flag of the USSR. Polar shoot in the air, sing a hymn.

Flying the flag with the image of Stalin.



Reel №7

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Pilots prepare the aircraft for takeoff.

Rotating propeller plane.

Papanin, Ernst, Fedorov and Shirshov say goodbye to the rest of the expedition.

Schmidt hugs Papanina.

Papanin, Ernst, Fedorov and Shirshov waving their caps.

Vodop'yanov waving from the hatch of the aircraft.

Planes taking off.

Planes in the sky, pilots in the cockpit.

Ice and snow-covered fields (the plane).

Schmidt on the plane at the table.

Vodop'yanov in the cockpit.

View of the city (the plane).


Stretching on the building with the inscription: "Glory to Stalin's falcons."

The streets of Moscow filled with people.

Pioneers with flowers.

Vnukovo airfield.

Portraits of polar explorers.


Stalin and Voroshilov on the podium.

Planes in the sky, land.

People waving their hands.

Schmidt out of the plane.

Members of the expedition passing through the take-off in an open car.

Schmidt kisses his wife, members of the expedition meet with relatives.

Polar riding through the streets of Moscow.

People throw flowers from the windows showered leaflets.

Column car enters the gates of the Kremlin.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich



