Myrrh. (2004)

Film-document №53813 1 part, Duration: 0:10:03 to collection Price category S
  • Full film
  • 1
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Movie 1 0:10:03

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: Dobrovoljskaya M.

Script writers: Dobrovoljskaya M.

Operators: Shahbazyanc R.


The story of the rebuilding of the temple by two residents of the village chevrotain Tula region.

Religion | Russian cities and regions

Social life | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Tula region, village chevrotain, natural scenery.

On the way to the chapel is an elderly woman.

A woman suitable for the source.

A woman collects water.

View of the field.

On the way is a herd of cows.

Elderly woman petting a dog goes further along the street.

Persons older women.

A woman unlocks the lock on the gate.

A woman opens the door of the temple.

The interiors of the temple.

An elderly woman in the room among the materials.

Woman wipes the dust from the church plate.

Vintage pictures.

The face of an old woman.

People in the temple for worship.

Shooting from under the collapsed roof of the temple, a bottom view of the bell tower.

Abandoned temple, view inside.

The walls of the temple through the trees.

Inside of the main entrance.

Aged people.

The priest blesses the congregation at the end of service.

Ancient icon.

The branches of a blossoming tree.

A woman walks along the wall of the temple.

The door opens, she goes inside.

A woman fills a bucket of cement mixture.

A woman with a bucket out of the temple, the view from the top.

Rural youth.

People in the current church.

Elderly woman climbs a ladder to the dome.

A bucket with tools climbs on a rope, another elderly woman looks up.

Woman puts a bucket on the board.

View from the scaffolding down and the windows of the temple.

Woman Plasterer vaults of the temple.

Bottom view of the dome and on scaffolding.

Collective farm fields.

Women dine, drink and snack.

The branch of a flowering tree, the path is removed silhouettes of women.


Tula region