Space bridge. (1965)

Film-document №55467 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:53 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:28

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1, 2;

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Director: Ryabchikov E.

Operators: Rafikov M., Suvorov V.

Anouncers: Hmara L.


The film tells about the structure and operation of Soviet communications satellite "Molniya-1", on its use for broadcast television transmission over long distances.

Space | Communications

Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Type of radio masts.

Interior view of the hall of computers.

Images from x / film: demonstration of AS Popov the world's first radio wave receiver.

Finnish fishermen in distress on the ice.

Icebreaker "Ermak" comes to the aid of fishermen.

Messages in the newspapers about the rescue of fishermen.

Types of the Moscow Kremlin.

View of the Red Square mausoleum.

View Shukhov radio tower in Shabolovka inside.

Inside view of a television studio.

Female quartet sings a song, the piano - Composer Frenkel Frenkel Ya Face.

Cameraman at the camera.

The quartet performs a song in front of TV cameras.

The sound technician at the console.

Map of the Soviet Union with a range of action of radio waves and network television stations (animation).

Animation showing the operation of repeater towers.

Animation showing the operation of aircraft transponder.

Animation with newsreel footage of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow 1957, the aircraft transmitted via relay.

Kind of an artificial Earth satellite "Molniya-1", designed for space relay.

Design and operation of a communication satellite in space (animation).

Check silicon cells on the satellite power panels.

Installing energy panels on the satellite.

View the power of the gyroscopic stabilizer satellite.

Testers check the stabilizer.

Check tracking Earth parabolic antennas on the bench.

Build a communication satellite after checking equipment.

Face collector.

Installation of one of the satellite units.

Shelter housing satellite screen-vacuum thermal insulation.

Connection communications satellite with the launch vehicle.

Preparations for the launch of the satellite.

The launch vehicle with a communication satellite on board.

Animation showing the output of a satellite in the basic and intermediate orbit.

Animation showing the solo flight of the satellite communication and his work in orbit.

The antennas on the ground, watching the satellite.

The orientation of the satellite in the sun in outer space with the help of gyrostabilizers (animation).

The orientation of the satellite to the Earth via the sensor search of the Earth (animation).

The animation illustrating the operation of the optical sensor orientation and conduct of the session.

Space programs

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Changing the orbit of the satellite communication (animation).

Sputnik flight.

The orientation of the satellite to orbit correction (animation).

Animation showing the link between Moscow and Vladivostok via satellite communications.

Vladivostok television announcer on the TV screen.

Satellite in space.

Inside view of a television studio in Vladivostok, where the transfer is carried out.

Ocean waves beating against the shore.

Ships in the port of Vladivostok.

People in the square of Vladivostok during a solemn event dedicated to the 43rd anniversary of the liberation of Primorye from White Guards and interventionists.

Cameraman directs the camera.

Naval officer gave a report to the commander fleet.

Cameraman at the camera.

People in the square kneel during a moment of silence, a panorama of the area.

Cameraman is shooting.

Monument VI Lenin in Leningrad.

View of the Neva and the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Forms of the interior of the TV studio.

Workers carry a television studio connection.

Telephone operator in the intercity switch establish a connection via satellite.

View of the bridge over the Dnieper River in Kiev.

Type one of the squares of Kiev.

Transmission of various kinds of messages via a communications satellite.

Drawings, diagrams, photographs, transmitted via satellite.

Telegrams received via a communications satellite.

Turn on the negotiation point.

Faces of people talking on the phone long distance.

View of the negotiating room, people waiting for the call to the telephone booth.

People talk in telephone booths.

Queue window orders negotiations.

Sputnik flying in space (animation).

View of the port of Vladivostok (above), the ship out into the ocean.

People in the interior of the ship Watch TV from Moscow.

Those children.

Communication satellite in orbit (animation).

View the foot of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Employees of the relay during the transmission of a television studio in Paris Color TV programs.

Employees at the control panel.

Flowers on the TV screen.

People watch TV.

Flowers on the TV screen.

Sputnik flight (animation).

The demonstration in Red Square in Moscow.

General view of the Mausoleum.

Demonstrators greet party and government leaders.

The demonstration in Red Square.

Those demonstrators.

The demonstration in Red Square.

Sputnik flying in space (animation).





Space programs