Scientific Association of Geographers. (1970)

Film-document №58486 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:44 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:55

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Director: Shnejderov V.

Script writers: Shnejderov V.

Operators: Puntakov I.

Composers: Stihin E.


The film tells the story of the creation and development of the Geographical Society of the USSR, its scientific and social activities.

Institutions of science | Expeditions and discoveries | Geography and Nature


Reel №1

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The story of the history of the Russian Geographical Society and the beginning of its work, the further development of the society's activities, the organization of branches, the research of Siberia and Central Asia, expeditions to other countries; shows a lot of drawings, photographs, portraits of famous scientists, archival documents and scientific literature, the routes of the expeditions are marked on maps.



Reel №2

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Chronicle of scientific expeditions of the XX century, the influence of the famous travelers on the further development of research; describes the current research activities Geographical Society of the USSR, shows the work of scientists in difficult environmental conditions around the world, archaeological finds, as well as the Board of society portraits of famous leaders, inscribed medal.


Chukotka Autonomous Okrug