Old-Tatar settlement. (2000)

Film-document №71164 1 part, Duration: 0:07:56 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:57

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Director: R. Nazmiev

Script writers: R. Nazmiev

Operators: E. Zolondinov, S. Gubin

Soundman: V. Klyachkin

Other authors: E. Krajnova, S. Aleksandrova


The film tells about the history of the Old Tatar settlement in Kazan.

History | Russian cities and regions

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Racing boat with the flag of the Republic of Tatarstan on the Volga.

The face of an elderly woman in Tatar national costume.

Older people in the national Tatar costume among the participants of the festival in honor of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan.

Competition on the Tatar national wrestling in the framework of the festival, the embankment of the Volga.

Women s embroidered manually Tatar skullcaps.

The girl's face.

Painting depicting the storming of Kazan by Ivan Grozny on 14 October 1552.

View of the marshy banks of lakes Kaban, in the vicinity of Kazan, the vegetation on the banks.

Pictures from the life of the Old Tatar settlement.

Photos of the Old-Tatar settlement in the early 20th century.

Mosque in the Old Tatar Sloboda.

Panorama of one of the settlement blocks (above).

Wooden houses in the Old Tatar settlement.

Portrait of Catherine II.

Types of streets, mosques and ancient buildings of the Old Tatar settlement.

Portraits of the kings of Fyodor Ivanovich and Peter I.

View of mosque with minaret and panoramic view of the square with a fountain in the Old Tatar Sloboda.

Photos of the hay market in the Old Tatar settlement from the early 20th century, photographs of Tatar merchants.

Photograph of members of the Kazan Tatar town hall.

Pictures of small and medium industrial enterprises, organized by the Tatar entrepreneurs in the late 19th century.

View of the building of the former Muslim charity.

The portraits of the founders of the society.

The buildings of the madrasah, located in the Old Tatar Sloboda.

Photos of madrasah students of the late 19th and early 20th century.

Vintage printing press building.

Newspapers in the Tatar language, published in the early 20th century in the Old Tatar Sloboda.

The ancient building on the territory of the settlement.

Portraits of writers G. ishaki, F. Amirkhan, Z. Dhava.

Photographs of actors of the first Tatar theatre.

Interior view of one of the premises of the "Eastern club", formed in 1907.

View of part of one of the settlement blocks (above).

The administration building of the Old Tatar settlement.

The head of administration of the Old Tatar settlement speaks of the importance for Kazan, the Old Tatar settlement, the prospects of its development (synchronously).

Masters painted Tatar national dolls.

Children see dolls.

View of one of the mosques in the village.

Prayer in the mosque, the Mullah gave a sermon, people praying.

View of part of the Old Tatar settlement (above).




The Republic of Tatarstan



Holidays; National culture
Social life; Culture and Arts