Gift from the General. (2000)

Film-document №76281 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:41 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:49

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: D. Lunjkov

Script writers: D. Lunjkov

Operators: O. Shelyugin

Other authors: T. Burakova, M. Chepelj


The film tells about a war driver from Khvalynsk M. S. Anikin, the winner of the competition of vintage cars in Saratov and his car "Steyer-200".

Automobile transport | History

Transportation | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

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The house of the veteran of the great Patriotic war Mikhail Semenovich Anikin in Khvalynsk, the Saratov region, the view of the front of the car "Steyer-200".

Calf next to the car eats from the bowl.

The interiors of the house Anikina, the TV works.

Anikin sitting at the table.

A parade of retro cars in Saratov during the Day rooms.

Old cars driving on the Theatre square of Saratov, face the audience.

Passing Anikin on your "Min-200".

Anikin in the parade with a bouquet of flowers given to him in honor of his 90th birthday.

A representative of the city administration.

Car Anikina in his front yard in Khvalynsk.

Antique automobile club of America competitions in speed maneuvering on the Theatre square of Saratov.

Car Anikin at the start.

Anikin out of the car after the exercise, the people around him.

Anikina congratulations on getting first prize.

The car "VAZ-2106", Anikin awarded as a prize.

The festival participants applauded the winner.

On the streets of Khvalynsk passing car "the Zhiguli" at the corner of a car Anikina.

"Steyer-200" the gates of the house Anikin.

Anikin talks about his first trip by car, about learning the profession of driver (synchronously).

"Steyer" Anikin is in the yard.

Car Anikina on the streets of Khvalynsk and on the highway.

Anikin behind the wheel, the view through the windshield.

Jury in Saratov checks the technical condition of the vintage cars, the cars participating in the competition.

Check car Anikina.

Anikin in his car, the cabin of the car.

Anikin driving.

Car Anikina rides on the road.

Anikin talks about his increased popularity after the film "17 moments of spring".

Children view a car Anikina.

Traffic police check the documents Anikina.

Anikina car drives past fire tower in Khvalynsk.

Car Anikin at the gate of his house.

The name of the street on the house Anikin.

Red star on the gate of the house.

Anikin rides through the streets of Khvalynsk.




Saratov region



City Day
Holidays; Social life

Reel №2

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Car Anikina rides on the road.

Anikin says about your car (synchronously).

Photo Anikina, sitting in the car.

Wife Anikin speaks about love her husband to the car (synchronously).

House Anikina in Khvalynsk.

Anikin is wiping the windshield and headlights of his car, standing at the gate of the house.

Wife Anikin tells about the use of the car in the economy (synchronously).

Anikina car at the gas station.

Anikin and his wife out of the gates of the house, get in car, leave.

Car Anikina among other machines on the market in Khvalynsk.

Anikin selects vegetables.

Loading bags of vegetables into the car.

Car Anikina on the road.

Kind of facing of a radiator "Min-200".

Postwar photo Anikina of the car with his wife and children.

Anikin washes his hands.

Newspaper articles about Anikin and his car, a photograph of Anikin with Marshal G. K. Zhukov.

Greeting card, made for Anikina his children and grandchildren for the 90th anniversary.

Anikin tells about one of their fighting episodes (synchronously).

Anikin sitting at the table, reading a letter.

The dial of the clock.

Front photos Anikin.

Bullet holes in the grille of the car Anikina.

Car Anikina in the backyard the lady residential in Khvalynsk.

"Steyer-200" driving on the highway.

Anikin driving, the views from the Windows of the car.

Anikin says about his love for Russia, about its character (synchronous), face Anikin.

Anikin has a front-line friend.

A bottle of vodka "Frontline".




Saratov region

