The USSR-Cuba. Pages of Friendship and Cooperation.. (1987)

Film-document №9459 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:45 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:06

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Tikhonov V.

Operators: Kuzminskiy S.


On promoting the USSR State Committee for External Economic Relations in the growth of the economy of the Republic of Cuba, on the activities of the State Committee, who are building industrial facilities, power plants, railways.

Economic cooperation | Latin America (Politics)

Sectors of the economy | Foreign policy | Policy

Temporary description

City of Moscow. Sign on the building: State Committee for External Economic Relations. City of Havana. Newsreel: Fidel Castro among the people. Types of slums. Military action of American forces in Cuba. Fidel Castro appears from the rostrum. Demonstration at the U.S. embassy. People are constructing new homes. Loading sugar at the port. Cleaning of sugar cane in hand. Combine harvest sugar cane. Women at their machines for the textile mill. Installation, welding in the construction of a nickel plant Punta Gorda. " Foundry. Stalevar stove. Doctors at work. Students in the classroom. Welding and other construction work on the construction of nuclear power "Juragua. Work, Soviet and Cuban specialists. People are working on electronic computers in the computer center. April 22. Ambassador of the USSR and the ambassadors of other socialist countries lay wreaths at the monument to Lenin.

Reel №1

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On promoting the USSR State Committee for Relations vneshneekonomiches Kim in raising the economy of the Republic of Cuba, on the activities of the State Committee, who are building industrial facilities, power plants, railways.

Reel №2

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