And the reborn church on Red Square.. (1990)

Film-document №9903 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:11 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:28

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Bryncev V.

Script writers: Brincev V.

Operators: Stupin V.


On the revival of the destroyed temple of Our Lady of Kazan on Red Square.

Moscow | Architecture | Religion

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Culture and Arts | Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Icon of Kazan Mother of God, is a light snow.

In the church burning candles.

A girl lights a candle and a cross.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in front of St.

Basil's Cathedral.

The camera runs along the walls of buildings.

People walk past the fenced area on the Red Square (the place where once stood the Cathedral).

Residents of the capital responding to journalists' questions about the Kazan Cathedral.

M.P.Kudryavtsev draws.

The paintings on the walls.

A fragment of an interview with M.P.Kudryavtsev.

Picture of old Moscow.

View of the city from above.

O.I.Zhurin wizard on the scaffolding being restored cathedral.

Dome Cathedral.

Alternation: photos of the Kazan Cathedral 1925-1927 period, fragments of an interview with O.I.Zhurin, drawings Cathedral.

The sun in the clouds.

Construction site.

He remembers a resident of Moscow S.Lisevitsky.


Adults and children in worship.

The child holds a candle and a cross.

Ancient icon of Kazan Mother of God in salary.

L.Lebedev tells the story of the icon.

Children's choir.

Image icon.

Chronicle of the year 1904 (in green):

Types of Red Square.


Ancient icon.

A child lights a candle in the church.

M.P.Kudryavtsev tells of the Kazan Icon of the lists.

List of icons of the XVI century in the Cathedral of the Resurrection at Uspenskij Vrazhek.


Kudryavtsev MP - Russian historian of architecture and urban planning, architect, painter, restorer, a poet.
Jurin OI - The architect-restorer, and public figure.
L. Lebedev - a historian, archpriest.







Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Tells L.Lebedev.

Nabatnaya Kremlin tower at dusk.

Continued interview with L.Lebedev.

Spasskaya (Frolov) Tower and St.

Basil's Cathedral.

Figure Red Square with the church Our Lady of Kazan.


Sketches of the temple.

Chronicle of the 1980s:

People raise hands with a picture of the Kazan Cathedral.

PD Baranovsky.

Color illustration of the Kazan Cathedral.

Tells G.Ya.


Photo Red Square.

Tells L.Lebedev.


November 4, 1990, preparations for the beginning of the procession.

Priests stand at the square next to the Ivan the Great Bell.

The procession moves past the Cathedral of the Assumption.

Patriarch Alexy II.

Priests carry the icon of Our Lady of Kazan.

The procession leaves the Kremlin's Spassky Gate.

Bypass Red Square.

Prayer on the Red Square.

Prayer for the sanctification of the place of laying the first stone and the subsequent construction of the Kazan Cathedral.

Acolyte lighting candles before the icon.

Girl with a candle in hands.

Top view of the assembled people.

Icon of Kazan Mother of God.

The account number for the restoration of the cathedral.

The icon in the festive decoration on the wall of the wooden church.

People come to church.


L. Lebedev - a historian, archpriest.
PD Baranovsky - Architect, conservator of monuments of ancient architecture.
Mokeev GY - Architect, urban planning historian, professor of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, member of the Academy of Architectural Heritage, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Alexy II (Ridiger AM) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.


1980s 04/11/1990



