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Year of production from 1940 till 1945

By types: News | Footages

846 documents,

Occupied territories of the USSR. (1941 - 1944)

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Footage, 7 footages, Duration: 0:14:00 to collection B 1/22/2014

German soldiers traveling by boat along the Volga past the church.

View of the church and bell tower.

German poster «Wolgaschiffer Halt!».

German soldiers near the Volga River, the general plan.

German soldiers unload barrels and crates on the shore.

German soldiers riding in a cart.

Carts and truck.


Nazi chronicle for the occupied territories. (1939 - 1945)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:10:37 to collection B 1/22/2014

Cart with bags.

Farmers hauling bags and weigh them.

Farmers pour sacks of grain.

Peasants impose and receive documents in the office.

People view and get clothes.

People fill the milk jug and pour it into cans.

People pass the bottles.

Transfer of a column of tanks. (1942)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:38 to collection A 10/13/2013

Transfer of a column of tanks, built with the money of workers Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow.

Are the tanks in tankers.

Column takes the tanker, the Hero of the Soviet Union Serebrjakov.

Combat vehicles going to the front.

Foreign newsreels 1943 - 1963 № 1438

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:09:11 to collection F 9/10/2013

Newsreel 1943: the Warsaw ghetto - streets, people with bandages, are people with things.

People at the station.

German soldiers closed cars of a freight train.

Photos of the ghetto.

Newsreel Russia 1916-1941 years.. (1916 - 1941)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:17:43 to collection B 8/30/2013

Pre-revolutionary Moscow: square, a man is photographed on a background of painted scenery

The Bolshevik strikes, rallies and demonstrations.

Meetings among the soldiers, riding machine with the poster, dropped leaflets, the beginning of the revolution.

The Bolsheviks distribute rifle.

The sailors.

Red Square, tram rides, the revolutionary mood of the crowd in Red Square demonstration.

Revolution in the Head of the Kremlin, having fun, scoff at the royal symbols.


Ruined Berlin. (1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:24:10 to collection A 8/27/2013

Flying over the post-war Berlin.

How to get to Berlin.

Destroyed buildings, rubble in the streets.

Sculptures in the park.

Brandenburg Gate.

Portrait of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet sector of Berlin.

The devastation in the city center.


Frontal band. (1943)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:07 to collection A 7/26/2013

Volkhov Front, January 1943

Snowstorm (blizzard), deep snow.

The movement of infantry, vehicles in deep snow in a blizzard.

Machine gunners, gunners in the trenches.

Subscription and making money in the fund tank column "for the Soviet Motherland."

The meeting with the commander of the army of the XYZ.

Kuban, March 1943 Women residents of Kuban Cossack villages to help the soldiers of the Soviet Army to deliver ammunition to the front line.


Female fighter pilot. (1944)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:58 to collection A 7/26/2013

Pilots women's 125th Guards regiment them.

Raskova on vacation after missions, write letters, embroider, sing and play guitar

The first of May in Budapest. (1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:55 to collection A 7/26/2013

Demonstration of the inhabitants of Budapest 1st May.

The rally in the square.

The first of May in Vienna. (1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:28 to collection A 7/26/2013

Celebrating the 1st of May in liberated from Nazi occupiers Vienna.

The soldiers of the Soviet Army in the square dance with the resident of the City of Vienna

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