Newsreels Soviet Ural Mountains

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Soviet Ural Mountains 1979 № 46

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:49 to collection G 3/24/2023

Days of Nizhny Tagil in the Sverdlovsk.

2. The engineer unit.


Portrait of a senior engineer A.Kurochkina power station.

3. Olympic machine.


The plot of the special bus to transport racehorses fabricated on Kurgan car factory on request of the organizing committee of the Moscow Olympics.

4. Artificial Christmas trees.


Production of artificial Christmas trees at the Ufa cable plant.

5. Gymnastics.



6. Guys our yard.


Kinozarisovka about children.

7. ?

Golden Puck ".


Kinozarisovka of young athletes.

5. Poetry, born of the heart.


Portrait of Ural E.Horinskoy poet.

6. National Championship Speedway.


Soviet Ural Mountains 1980 № 14

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:53 to collection G 3/24/2023

Lenin Street.


Shop Ocean Theater of Musical Comedy, Eternal fire, UPI, the area in 1905, USU, City Council.

Old photos.

Rolling Plant.

Miller, mentor Uramashzavoda A.A.Durnyshev.


The villagers Herbalists wrote in 1923 a letter to Lenin.


Perm Leniniana "

Painting by G.Nicheuhina dedicated Lenin topic.

SAVE metal.

Special issue.

Factory Commission Uralmash-saving metal.


Says director NIItyazhmasha Kotelnikov.

Says designer Dokalov

Soviet Ural Mountains 1980 № 15

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:13 to collection G 3/24/2023

Director Tinkers N.V.Okulov poultry.

Kirov region

Serov Ferroalloy Plant

Zavyalovsky geological expedition.


Students of art-graphic faculty of Ufa ped.

Institute created a camp for children.

3 All-Russian Winter Universiade.


Opening, downhill.

Olympic champion V.Alikin.

World Student Games medalist V.Kuligina.

Final championship in motorcycle racing on ice.


Drilling team hero soc.

Labour G.Levina with Samotlor.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1980 № 20

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:19 to collection G 3/24/2023

Brigade hero soc.

Labour Yu.G.Schekaleva mounts in the north of the Tyumen region radio relay tower.

G.Maltsev pilot.

Quality mark Izhevsk runabout.

Session of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Council of People's Deputies.

USU Museum of Books.


Meetings of young hockey players with the honored master of sports and coach A.Firsovym A.Tarasovym.

Ensemble of ballroom dancing?

Cheburashka "4 years.


URAL palette.

Special issue dedicated to the five zonal art exhibition?

Socialist Urals. "

Artists: A.Svinkin, R.Nurmuhametov

Soviet Ural Mountains 1980 № 21

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52 to collection G 3/24/2023

Opening of the monument A.Matrosovu and repeating his feat M.Gubaydulinu.


At the rally, one act of Party Committee Secretary of the Bashkir Shakirov m teacher M.Gubaydulina - Ziganshina.

Disappear first builders of wooden houses Uralmash.

Portrait of one of the first Soviet engineers V.N.Anfilova.


Using waste arsenic.

Joint development institute Unipromed and Forestry Institute.

Supervises the work A.S.Lyubimov.

Development Professor D.A.Belenkova.

40 years of the People's Artist of the RSFSR creativity A.P.Polichkina

Artists: B.Domashnikov G.Mosin

Soviet Ural Mountains 1981 № 10

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02 to collection G 3/24/2023

Sverdlovsk visited one Bulgarian Communist Party secretary T. Zhivkov.

One meets the secretary of the CPSU Boris Yeltsin.

Complex for the production of ammonia at the Perm plant fertilizer.

50 cars Urals - gift Miasskoe car-geologists Tyumen region.

State Farm Ordzhonikidze.

Sverdlovsk region.

Sverdlovsk B.Sysoev engineer - by mechanical street sweeper.

Long Perm build underground.

Garment factory to them.

XXV Congress of the CPSU. Sverdlovsk.

Sysertskiy art porcelain factory.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1982 № 3

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58 to collection G 3/24/2023

University Udmurtia 50.

Performances: A scene from the ballet, dance and Chenchikova Daukaev.

A scene from the ballet, dance Pavlov and Gordeev.

2. Anniversary of Sakharov.

Perm.25 years in the dance school teaches the People's Artist of the RSFSR, artistic director of the school L.P.Saharova.

Soviet Ural Mountains 1982 № 5

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:15 to collection G 3/24/2023

Aggregate-production company.


2. Bus Factory.


3. Snow retention.

Perm region.

4. Nordic meeting.


Creative teams of the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District showed their skills during the days of the North at ENEA. Ensemble: Raw-Seve.



Soviet Ural Mountains 1982 № 8

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58 to collection G 3/24/2023

75 years ago, the first issue of the newspaper?

Ural worker. "

2. Hydraulics.


3. Pioneer squad boarding school № 7 is the name of General Karbysheva.


Participate in the meeting Karbysheva daughter.

4. Master violins K.Rotenberg.


Soviet Ural Mountains 1982 № 14

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:19 to collection G 3/24/2023

State Farm Verhnemulinsky.

Perm region.

2. Farm animal complex?

Shilov. "

Sverdlovsk region.

3. Here was born scientist, educator Zakir Shakirovich Shakirov in 1881 (his father one regional committee secretary Bashkiria) Countryside Karaz-Elga Kushnarenkovskogo district of Bashkortostan.

Participation takes daughter, Leah Zakirovna Shakirova

4. 10th competition of young biathletes Udmurtia.


5. Union competitions Ice Racing.


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