Geologists Of Mangazeya. (1992)

Film-document №59446 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:36 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:55

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: V. Gruzdev

Operators: R. Anisimov

Recordist: V. Suslov

Other authors: L. Eglit


The film tells about the work Mangazeisky geological expedition for the discovery of oil and gas fields in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district.

Expeditions and discoveries | Sectors of the economy

Geography and Nature

Reel №1

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Passengers sit in the helicopter.

Geologists Mangazeiskoe expedition meet American colleagues in the helicopter.

Russian and American specialists go to your helicopter.

View of the front of the helicopter.

Landing geologists in a helicopter, the rotating rotor of the helicopter.

Types of taiga (above).

On the taiga river in a boat floats by a local resident.

The view of the river.

Taiga landscapes (on the top).

The leader of the expedition says about the job and the key tasks of the expedition, the search for gas and condensate on the work of the expedition for the exploration of hydrocarbons (synchronously).

Fire comes out of gas wells.

View of the gas field.

The fire of explored gas wells.

Work gas equipment.

One of the participants said the opening last year of the first gas and condensate field, about the prospects of the area for the production of large quantities of gas, about the opportunity to provide its oil and gas next settlements, further tasks and prospects of the expedition (synchronously).

View of the gas condensate field.

Drilling foreman at home talks about the discovery of oil and gas fields in place .380 drilling, the drilling process of the wells in the field, reading poems to the team of drillers (synchronously).

A painting of oil and gas fields and the rig.

The leader of the expedition says about the reasons for the change in the course of search operations, the establishment of a number of small enterprises (synchronously).

Employee small enterprise - a former RSU Mangazeiskoe of the expedition at work.

The head of the company speaks about the reasons for its creation, increase productivity and ensure the payment of wages to employees about results of work of small enterprises, the creation of the woodworking shop and its products (synchronously).

Employee tables work with documents.

Samples of souvenir products of the joiner's shop.

The process of creating carved patterns on wood, the face of the master-Carver.

View of the construction of one of the objects of the farm.

The installation of concrete constructions for walls of the boiler.

Builders at work.

View of one of the barracks in the woods, home builders.

Cleaning the roof of the barracks from the snow.

The roof of the barracks with tar paper, unrolling coils, nailing shingles.

Geese and duck farms of the expedition.

Head of the farm talks about the importation of geese their the Novosibirsk region and their breeding, construction of premises for keeping geese (synchronously).

A worker pours water into the pond, the geese drink from the drinkers.




Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug



Industry; Construction; International cooperation
Sectors of the economy; Space

Reel №2

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Pigs and piglets in the piggery farms of the expedition.

Pigs eat from the bowl.

Winter landscape.

The design premises of the kindergarten by local artists.

Children come into the room, consider painted walls and decorations.

Children play with each other.

One of the artists finished work on the design.

Fragments of painted walls, the faces of the children.

Artists assess their work.

View of the village.

People walking on the road to a new office to meet the district leadership.

The faces of the people.

The head of the district gets out of car, greeting people.

The people in front of the office of the expedition.

A sign at the entrance to the office.

A pointer to the direction of the wind at the airfield, the helicopters on the airfield.

View of one of the drilling rigs.

Negotiations of the chief of the air deposits about sending supplies.

Helicopters on the airfield.

View of the rig.

The head rig at the station.

Helicopters at the airport, head of airfield talks on the radio.

The leader of the expedition says about the government's lack of programs and concepts entering the market exploration industry, the lack of privatization in this sector, the need interest of each employee in the continuation of the expedition, the creation of the closed joint-stock companies, on the work of the expedition in the conditions of market relations, the possibility of the development of international tourism, like financial help to continue work on ways of obtaining financial means on development of its own deposits (synchronously).

The son of the leader of the expedition includes a tape recorder.

The leader of the expedition with his son.

The types of dwellings of the expedition in the evening, the Siberian landscapes.

Expedition leader at home.

Night view of one of the fields with a drilling tower (above).

In the night sky flying a helicopter.

Unloading cargo from the helicopter.

Helicopter landing on the rig.

Unloading the helicopter.

Drillers at work, the process of drilling a well.

The face of the leader of the expedition.

The face of one of the drillers.

Part of the drilling process.

One of the houses of the village of the expedition.

Winter landscape.

The pilot in the cockpit of the helicopter.

Flying past the rig by helicopter.

The view of the field with landing the helicopter.

The process of drilling a well, drilling at work.

Types of taiga and village expedition (above).




Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug



Air transport; Childhood and youth
Transportation; Sectors of the economy; Aviation; Social life