Peru - is the Country of Contrasts.. (1973)

Film-document №7391 1 part, Duration: 0:10:29 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:21

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Spryshkova M.

Script writers: Rozhdestvaenskaya K.

Operators: Artseulov O., Troshkin V. P.


About the Republic of Peru, about cultural heritage, folk customs of ancient tribes.

Latin America | National culture

Countries of the world | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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Peruvians are on holiday, dancing, playing folk musical instruments.

Different plans of people in folk costumes, masks, etc.

Peruvians in folk costumes dance near the plane.

The capital of Peru is Lima.

City streets, traffic.

Large - a statue of horses.

Monument to Tupac Amar, the national hero of Peru.

Peruvians on the streets of the city - different plans.

Guard of honor near the presidential palace.

The courtyard of the house.

Old houses on the streets of Lima.

A religious holiday, there is a large crowd of people on the street, People carry a throne with the image of the Mother of God with a baby.

People with flowers, incense.

Shots with people's faces.

General view of the festive procession (taken from above).

Cockfights - roosters are prepared for battle, sharp blades are tied to their paws.

Spectators in the stands.

People are betting.

The roosters are fighting.

The spectators in the stands are watching.

City streets, pedestrians, there is a girl with an alpaca on a leash.

Large - alpaca.

The girl has a hand-held nose on a leash.

Peruvian market - folk clothes, carpets, skins, toys and various handicrafts.

Llamas and alpacas graze near the mountainside.

A man with a donkey is walking along the road.

A peasant plows a field with a plow drawn by oxen.

Peasants are engaged in agricultural work.

A small village house.

A tree on the mountainside.

Electric wires in the gorge of the mountain.

Workers on electric towers.

Workers on a suspension bridge over a stormy river.

Hydroelectric power station - water flows fall down.

Machu Picchu is an Inca city in the Cordillera.

View of the ancient city from above.

Old stone houses.

Large - a girl in a national costume is sitting.


The girl goes down the stone stairs.

Large - llamas.

View of the mountains and the ancient Inca city.

Various works of folk Peruvian masters.

The Hibaros and Yaures tribes are in the jungles of the Amazon basin.

Indians shoot needles from tubes.

The inhabitants of the village are different frames.

A man is sailing on a wooden boat on the river.

Lake Titicaca.

Uros Indians live on a floating island made of reeds.

The Indians are doing their daily chores, building a big boat.

Different shots of Indians on boats on the lake.

Peruvian workers at the port are preparing to launch a new modern ship.

There is a tribune next to the ship, a bottle of champagne is thrown from it and smashed against the side of the ship.

The ship sails.

The workers rejoice and congratulate each other.

Pelicans above the water.

Port, ships, seagulls and pelicans fly around.

Ships on the water.

Key words

Incas, Indians, Titicaca, Machu Picchu


Machu Picchu

Folk Art; Flora and fauna
National culture; Culture and Arts; Geography and Nature