Latin America

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Topics: Latin America

3 documents,

Peru - is the Country of Contrasts.. (1973)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:29 to collection C 5/16/2016

About the Republic of Peru, about cultural heritage, folk customs of ancient tribes.

Latin America | National culture | Countries of the world | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Culture and Arts

Mexico-born centuries. (1967)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:14 to collection G 10/27/2013

The ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza, temples, houses, sculpture, observatory site for the ritual ball game, the pyramid of Kukulkan, the "Temple of warriors."

The city of Taxco, Guanajuato, streets, houses, market, church, a monument to the priest Miguel Hidalgo - Mexico's national hero, the leader of a popular uprising in the years 1810-1811.

Mexico City, streets, monuments.

Houses, public buildings, decorated with frescoes and paintings of artists J. Rivera, D. Siqueiros, university building, the stadium "Aztec".

Sale of sugar skulls on a holiday "Day of the Dead."

D. Siqueiros artist at work.

The peasants working on the plantations for harvesting Henek - plants used for the production of ropes and rope.


Best films CNF | Latin America | Countries of the world | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Eyes and Hands of Peru. (1972)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:34 to collection C 11/14/2012

About the country of Peru, about the art of the ancient civilization of Incans.

Latin America | Countries of the world | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

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