Volga lights 1983 № 14

Film-document №76727 1 part, Duration: 0:09:46, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:47

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: S. Eremenkov

Operators: L. Denisov

Other authors: D. Popova


The issue talks about the experience of the team of the Volga regional transport management.

Automobile transport | Russian cities and regions

Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Trucks, buses Volga territorial transport Department of roads.

The driver behind the wheel of the bus.

Presentation of the management of the red banner for the victory in all-Union socialist competition.

Delivery of cargo containers to the train station, the view of the site with containers awaiting loading (top).

Employees of the railway junction keep records of loading and unloading operations.

Supply of containers for loading.

Loading of containers on railway platforms.

Loading works in the Saratov river port.

The heads of Department to discuss current issues with management.

The export of container from the port to the car platform.

Representatives of management and the port in the control room.

Longshoreman hooks on hooks on the roof of the container for lifting by crane.

The loading of the container on the ship with a crane.

Employee of the computing center at work.

The sign of the computing center.

Engineer of the center N. And.

Sirotkin says about the growing need for the work of the center for enterprises, facilitating the work of the planning Department and accounting, the timing and quality of information about care center the region's farms during harvest time (synchronously).

Employee of the computing center at work.

Loading grain into trucks.

Computer center staff at work, work computers.

View of the building Elevator.

The driver notes the directions.

Trucks with grain going to the Elevator.

The driver behind the wheel of the truck.

The arrival of the truck at the service station.

The truck drives to one of the production lines maintenance, the driver behind the wheel.

Master maintenance Department V. Druzhinin speaks about the benefits of the carrier conveyor during maintenance cars (synchronously).

The maintenance and repair of automobiles on a moving conveyor belt.

The driver Vladimir Eremeev takes the car for loading.

Eremeev shows the effectiveness of aggregate the method of repair of motor vehicles and facilitate the work of the driver (synchronously).

The maintenance of the car.

Drivers discuss the issues of repair.

Truck on a moving conveyor belt during maintenance.

Machine Yeremeyev went to flight.

Class training in class training center.

The teacher explains the motor unit.

Activity in the automotive simulators.

Activity at the circuit in figure driving of buses and trucks.

Clothes storage drivers in the locker room.

Interior view of the locker room with soft containers for clothes.

View of dining room dining room.

Drivers on the distribution of food.

Interior view of the greenhouse-time farm management.

The harvest of greenhouse cucumbers.

Interior view of the sauna in the enterprise.

Shower and pool.

A man swims in the pool.

The interior Lounges.

People drink tea in the break room.

Open the gates of one of the recreation areas for employees of the transport Department.

Saturday at the recreation area.

People raked last year's leaves, carry the Board.

Panorama and views of the pond in the recreation area.

Wooden houses in the area.

Young drivers receive instructions from the teacher before leaving on nursery road.

The teenager behind the wheel of a car, children's driving school are watching the drive of his friend.




Saratov region



Trains; Sea and river transport; Agriculture; Professions; Education; Childhood and youth; Life and leisure; Subbotniks
Transportation; Sectors of the economy; Social life; Society, social activities and community organizations