Studio Centrnauchfilm (CNF)

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3282 documents,

On blue roads 1980 № 65

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:52 to collection G 7/14/2023

1. Brigadier Gorban.

Ship repair plant "Red Fleet".

Painting of ships before navigation.

Meeting with the manager.

Repair of fuel equipment of engines.

Test bench.

Barges and vessels are moving along the river.


Artificial blood. Biophysical approach to the problem. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:17 to collection G 6/17/2023

The film tells the story of synthesizing artificial gazoperenosyaschey based emulsion liquid perfotoruglerodov.

Given the facts of using emulsions in cardiac operations. (Part 1 - The enrichment of water with oxygen - mouse in the water breathing.

Blood transfusion.


New blood substitutes.

Schemes (MLT).

Perfotouglerody. (PFOS) - fully fluorinated organic compounds.


PFOS. Surfactants.

Dispersed slurry. (Macro) cost. cells and ciliates.

Accumulation of ciliates (macro).

Heart beats (experiment).


Part 2 - the same entourage.)

Medicine | Health | Science | Social life

Electrical safety in residential wagons. (1970 - 1979)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection G 5/30/2023

A film about the treatment of electrical appliances in residential wagons.

Trains | Transportation | Sectors of the economy

Who says thou shalt not kill?. (1989)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:43:27 to collection G 5/30/2023

On the socio-psychological mechanism of increase of violence in the world today. (What is cruelty?

As a person becomes ill?

Permissible to cruelty in the name of "higher", "state" interests?

These questions explore the filmmakers, which includes the filmed interesting psychological experiments involving schoolchildren, young soldiers, random street passers-by.) (Part 1 - Acceleration.

Petrovsky (acad) Red Square.



Minin and Pozharsky.

Manezh Square.

The camp area.

ZK behind barbed wire.

Synchronized spinning on the responsibility and irresponsibility. L.Razgon - synchronous (of conscience).

School - a teacher with a cat (on throwing with 4 floors).

Children's responses.

Part 2 - electrocution in the U.S. (Chronicle) synchronously with the passers-by on the street.

In hazing.


Acting scene - with the investigator.

Acceleration (synchronous).

Newsstand (hr. - funeral) dolls.

Part 3 - The Funeral procession to the house of the Unions (Stalin).

Stalin in a coffin (Chronicle) area filled with people (Chronicle) Public psychosis.

Rehearsal - hypnosis.

Zombie - experiment to "kill." Petrovsky (synchronous).

The story of his work to the GPU. History with Teplitzky.

Part 4, 5 - Other examples on this topic.)

Oh, the Marquis de Sade .... (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:33 to collection G 5/30/2023

On the relationship between man and woman.

Remembering Boris Pasternak. (1990)

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Documentary, 9 parts, Duration: 1:24:09 to collection G 5/23/2023

Документальный фильм о судьбе, творчестве писателя и поэта Бориса Пастернака в воспоминаниях друзей и близких.

Пастернак предстает не только как великий поэт, но и как великий гражданин своей Родины.

Culture and Arts | Literati | History | Persons of arts | Biography | Literature

Important initiative.. (1985)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:22:38 to collection G 5/13/2023

Film commissioned Minavtoproma USSR. Advanced methods for the rational and economic use of metals.

Invasion.. (1991)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:50 to collection G 5/12/2023

Фильм из цикла «Рассказы о русской истории» охватывает период ХIII-ХIV веков, и повествует о татаро-монгольском нашествии на Русь и его катастрофических последствиях, о разгроме шведов и тевтонских рыцарей князем Александром Невским.

History | Political figures | Religion | Biography | Policy | Social life

Total internal reflection.. (1976)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:21 to collection G 4/29/2023

Educational film for students in the course "General Physics", Section "Geometrical optics." With unique experiences, talked about the physical nature of the phenomenon.

Educational films

Education speech of preschool children with hearing impairments. The second part.. (1990)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:55 to collection G 4/26/2023

The film tells about the method of the nursery teacher and educator and senior kindergarten groups. parents bring in their children to kindergarten, students nursery during the game, the preparatory group of students in the classroom with the teacher (sinhr.), pupils of the senior group preparing for dinner: washes, the teacher talks to them (sinhr.), kids lunch, medium group of students in the classroom for the development of speech (sinhr.).

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