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Easter '45. (2006)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:30:00 to collection S 4/19/2024

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. Persecuted Church in the Soviet Union did not hesitate to stand on protecting the homeland.

The war became so explosion of national consciousness, people who returned to the temple.

Symbolic beginning of the war was the feast day of Russian saints and equally symbolic that victory came during the celebration of Easter.

Country Varlamov. (2002)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:30:58 to collection S 4/19/2024

What can you do alone in the deserted village of the villagers?

Drink bitter?

Varlamov passionate about creativity.

He creates unique sculptures of famous people, filling their lives and the lives of villagers living alone worthy content.

Archive Detective. (2006)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:29:52 to collection S 4/19/2024

he film tells about the historical version put forward by German researchers at which died during the 1st World War, Count Ferdinand von Galen and Soviet Marshal V.Blyuher same person .

Historian and archivist , head of the scientific reference RGAKFD V.N.Batalin commented this version (sinhr.) and on the basis of archival documents , analyzed them , denies it.

The film features the film documents stored in RGAKFD in RSMHA in Rybinsk Museum-Reserve .

The film was filming the following :

Part 1.

Newsreel footage abroad : street / Berlin / vehicular traffic on these streets , people on the streets (late 20's early. 30s . ) Nazis on parade are the columns of " Hitler Youth " , Adolf Hitler greets participants of the parade , people gathered in the square ;

German people responsible for greeting Hitler , Hitler's speech ( 1930 . ) Soviet leaders : Stalin , K. Voroshilov , M.Kalinin , L. Kaganovich , Ordzhonikidze , Vyacheslav Molotov , A. Mikoyan and others on the podium of one of the meetings;


And in the sweat of your face. . .. (1997)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:48 to collection S 4/19/2024

The film tells about the Orthodox St.

Alexeyevsky community near the village of New Vladimir region.

In the film, the following motion picture: kinds of village New landscapes of the Vladimir region, the conversation Father Alexis - abbot community with children, work in the field of agricultural machinery, the work of his father Alexei in the greenhouse, preparing to serve in his home church.

Living and working in the Orthodox community of the village of New German Michael West Germany.

Villagers - members of the community, while caring for calves during milking.

Education of children in school, created with the Orthodox community.

Eating together members of the community.

Vselistvenny wreath. Belgorod singers.. (1991)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:57:46 to collection S 4/19/2024

A film about the Russian folk song.

Types Gruhovka rural village streets, Upper Pokrovka and other villages of the Belgorod region.

Village cemetery.

Photos choir members who have died.

A procession to the village street Bolshebykova.

Blessing of the Waters at the spring.

Russian Interior hut.

On the street of the village sing and dance men, women and children in Russian national costumes.

Says (synchronously) Head Club E. Zhukov. E. Zhukov at work in the garden, garden.

They say and sing (synchronously) participating choirs, rural art collectives.

Performance of the ensemble.

Festivities on the riverbank.

National culture | Culture and Arts

The Tree of Life.. (1991)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:44 to collection S 4/19/2024

Film about AA Cherkashina - compositor first full family tree Pushkin.

My native bird.. (2000)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:55:43 to collection S 4/19/2024

The film is dedicated NV Plevitskaya.

Music | Culture and Arts

Mother damp earth.. (2003)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:59:47 to collection S 4/19/2024

The film tells the dramatic story of the Russian peasantry in the 20th century.

I had a shot.. (2003)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:22 to collection S 4/19/2024

The film tells about the artist photographer Paul Krivtsovo. P.Krivtsov reflects on the life and work (sinhr.), talking to workers in the construction, conducts shooting at a construction S.V.Mihalkov day of the anniversary, P.Krivtsov in his studio at work, view photos taken P.Krivtsovym.

Culture and Arts | Veterans | Social life

Annual rings.. (1991)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:55 to collection S 4/19/2024

The story of the screenwriter of the film N. Veselova about her return with her husband from the city to a permanent place of residence in a village located in the Leningrad region.

Arrangement of a house, a vegetable garden, work on hay harvesting on a collective farm.

Organization of everyday life, shopping. N. P. Veselova organizes a folk festival dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin.

Agriculture | Sectors of the economy

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