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177 documents

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1955 № 5

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08 to collection A 11/14/2012

Description Gorky, the stadium "Young Pioneers". 6syuzh. - Celebrating the birth of 3-year Andris kindergarten Riga. 7syuzh. - Meeting of the national teams of Japan and the USSR in freestyle wrestling at the Moscow Circus.

Part 1


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Gorky, the stadium "Young Pioneers". 6. The celebration of the birth of 3-year Andris kindergarten Riga. 7. Meeting national teams of Japan and the USSR in freestyle wrestling at the Moscow Circus.

DOSAAF (Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Aviation and Fleet) to the Motherland. (1984)

Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:32 to collection C 11/10/2012

Description Ran soldiers.

Soldiers involved in wrestling.

Soldiers shoot. V. Kuznetsov with the soldiers.


Contest storms.

Part 2


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IE Sereda congratulated the awardees - CU. The rise of the soldiers on combat alert signal - CU., MS.; Take arms, ran out of the barracks - MS. Fleeing soldiers, shoot, develop techniques of wrestling


Soviet Sport 1956 № 3

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:16 to collection A 11/14/2012

Description Competitions in wrestling between Iran and the combined team of the USSR team.

Training of members of the school hockey team.

Fragments of the hockey match school teams "Express" and "Little Star" at the Moscow stadium "Dynamo".

Part 1

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1. Competitions in wrestling between Iran and the combined team of the USSR team. 2. Training of members of the school hockey team.

Fragments of the hockey match school teams "Express" and "Little Star" at the Moscow stadium "Dynamo".


Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1980 № 30

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:02 to collection A 3/25/2014

Description Special issue of film magazine dedicated to the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow.

Water polo competitions, race walking, freestyle wrestling, football.

Competition shooters, runners, boxers, jockeys, weightlifters.

Part 1

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Competition for water polo, race walking, wrestling, football.

Competition shooters, runners, boxers, jockeys, weightlifters.

The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.


Tonwoche 1937 № 370

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:11 to collection G 10/24/2016

Part 1


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In a circle go sledding with a five-horse team with ten horses.

USA Young people demonstrate the elements of wrestling, JIU-jitsu.

Training for this fight for self-defense.


Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1964 № 43

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08 to collection A 3/25/2014

Description Japan.

City Tokyo. 18 th Olympic Games.

Speeches athletes.





Among the athletes: G. Prozumenschikova, R. Hayes (USA), A. Ivanitsky.

Part 1


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5. Japan.

City Tokyo. 18 th Olympic Games.

Speeches athletes.





Among the athletes: G. Prozumenschikova, R. Hayes (USA), A. Ivanitsky.

North Caucasus 1971 № 41

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:48 to collection G 12/25/2016

Part 1


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International wrestling tournament for the prize of Ali Aliyev.

Award winners.

Prizes were presented by A. Aliyev.


Soviet Sport 1972 № 12 The coach of Azerbaijan. Do athletes Dubna. At the European Championship.

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection A 11/14/2012

Description 1 syuzh. -Azerbaijan coach AG Safarov coached athletes. 2 syuzh. - Massive competition runners in the suburban town of Dubna, rewarding. 3 syuzh. - National wrestling. 1 st Open European Championships in sambo in Riga; rewarding.

Part 1


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3. At the stadium in Riga Sports Palace athletes demonstrate national kinds of wrestling - the Armenian struggle Koch; Moldova struggle "Trynta; Georgian struggle" Chidaoba; Yakut struggle "Hapsagay; Tatar struggle" Kuryash; Azerbaijani struggle "Gyulesh.


Soviet Sport 1986 № 5 Stadium in the shop. Horsemen. Rhythms of the sport.

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:54 to collection A 3/25/2014

Description Shop NLMK (city Lipetsk).

Plant workers perform gymnastic exercises do wrestling in the gym.

Worker S. Silver gives interviews (synchronously).

Plant workers swim in the pool.


Part 1

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1. Shop of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine.

Work steelworkers.

Rolling mill.


Workers combine swimming in a pool, exercise at the gym the third sheet rolling shop, wrestling, boxing.


Sports society the Harvest. (1985)

Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:38 to collection G 10/4/2016

Annotation About rural athletes who have become world and Olympic champions, and are just starting their way in sports.

The film presents: equestrian sports, wrestling, judo, barbell, athletics, etc.

Part 2


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Mountain river.

The general plan of the mountain village.

Boys are spreading tatami mats.

Occupation of the children's wrestling section.

Maikop Pedagogical Institute.


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